The first sale doctrine has been essential to the balance in copyright law between authors\u27 rights and public access to works. The growth of digital technology, however, has drastically changed the means of disseminating many types of works and, as a result, has undermined the first sale doctrine. This Article considers the long-term impact of technological change on the first sale doctrine. The Article focuses on the affordability and availability effects of the doctrine. reviewing the traditional causes and benefits of these effects, as well as the ways in which electronic commerce has weakened and could continue to weaken them. The Article concludes that it is still too early to determine the ultimate impact of digital technology on a...
America’s entertainment industry, and the creative talent that drives it, is a national treasure. Eq...
The first sale doctrine, codified at 17 U.S.C. § 109, grants the owners of a copy of a copyrighted w...
The digital shift in distribution, from markets premised on disposing of physical artifacts to marke...
The first sale doctrine has been essential to the balance in copyright law between authors\u27 right...
Whereas the first sale doctrine historically permitted the transfer and resale of copyrighted works,...
This Article discusses Section 109 of the Copyright Act, the first sale doctrine, in the context of ...
The article examines the origin of copyright and the first sale doctrine. It exposes the advantages ...
As digital networks emerge as the dominant means of distributing copyrighted works, the first sale d...
In the past, copyrighted works were distributed exclusively through physical means, while copyright ...
The Internet offers a means to create, copy and distribute copyrighted works of a quality and in a v...
Many have lauded the United States Supreme Court\u27s recent decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & S...
The first sale doctrine in copyright law allows a person who owns a copy of a copyrighted work to se...
Rumor has it that the first-sale doctrine is dying. According to the rumor, the doctrine, forged in ...
This article will explore the origins and rationale for the first sale doctrine. A review of the mos...
Through the first sale doctrine, copyright laws around the world establish for an owner of the copy ...
America’s entertainment industry, and the creative talent that drives it, is a national treasure. Eq...
The first sale doctrine, codified at 17 U.S.C. § 109, grants the owners of a copy of a copyrighted w...
The digital shift in distribution, from markets premised on disposing of physical artifacts to marke...
The first sale doctrine has been essential to the balance in copyright law between authors\u27 right...
Whereas the first sale doctrine historically permitted the transfer and resale of copyrighted works,...
This Article discusses Section 109 of the Copyright Act, the first sale doctrine, in the context of ...
The article examines the origin of copyright and the first sale doctrine. It exposes the advantages ...
As digital networks emerge as the dominant means of distributing copyrighted works, the first sale d...
In the past, copyrighted works were distributed exclusively through physical means, while copyright ...
The Internet offers a means to create, copy and distribute copyrighted works of a quality and in a v...
Many have lauded the United States Supreme Court\u27s recent decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & S...
The first sale doctrine in copyright law allows a person who owns a copy of a copyrighted work to se...
Rumor has it that the first-sale doctrine is dying. According to the rumor, the doctrine, forged in ...
This article will explore the origins and rationale for the first sale doctrine. A review of the mos...
Through the first sale doctrine, copyright laws around the world establish for an owner of the copy ...
America’s entertainment industry, and the creative talent that drives it, is a national treasure. Eq...
The first sale doctrine, codified at 17 U.S.C. § 109, grants the owners of a copy of a copyrighted w...
The digital shift in distribution, from markets premised on disposing of physical artifacts to marke...