Cadastral map.Includes inset of N.W. Washington D.C. showing locations of Thos. J. Fisher and Co. residential subdivisions
Cadastral map showing houses, privies, wells, and cisterns.From the annual report of the Commissione...
Cadastral survey map showing residential lot lines, lot numbers, some dimensions, and some square-fo...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Also shows density of built-up...
Cadastral map of planned residential subdivisions in what is now the inc. town of Chevy Chase Villag...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Cadastral survey map of residential subdivisions in what is now the inc. town of Chevy Chase Village...
Shows major buildings, block numbers, and subdivision names.Relief shown by contours.Printed across ...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names and acreages in rural areas.Shows radial distan...
Shows existing and proposed streets.Partial cadastral map.Also shows block numbers in central city.I...
Cadastral map showing names of some rural landholders.Oriented with north toward the upper left
Cadastral map showing buildings, privies, wells, and cisterns.At top: Diagram H.At lower left: H Ex1...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Title and other information transcribed from caption card and item.LOT subdivision subject: Street S...
Partial cadastral map showing radial distances, block numbers, and landowners' names for outlying tr...
Covers area bounded by Florida Av., 13th St., B St. N.W., Potomac River, and Rock Creek.Shows major ...
Cadastral map showing houses, privies, wells, and cisterns.From the annual report of the Commissione...
Cadastral survey map showing residential lot lines, lot numbers, some dimensions, and some square-fo...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Also shows density of built-up...
Cadastral map of planned residential subdivisions in what is now the inc. town of Chevy Chase Villag...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Cadastral survey map of residential subdivisions in what is now the inc. town of Chevy Chase Village...
Shows major buildings, block numbers, and subdivision names.Relief shown by contours.Printed across ...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names and acreages in rural areas.Shows radial distan...
Shows existing and proposed streets.Partial cadastral map.Also shows block numbers in central city.I...
Cadastral map showing names of some rural landholders.Oriented with north toward the upper left
Cadastral map showing buildings, privies, wells, and cisterns.At top: Diagram H.At lower left: H Ex1...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Title and other information transcribed from caption card and item.LOT subdivision subject: Street S...
Partial cadastral map showing radial distances, block numbers, and landowners' names for outlying tr...
Covers area bounded by Florida Av., 13th St., B St. N.W., Potomac River, and Rock Creek.Shows major ...
Cadastral map showing houses, privies, wells, and cisterns.From the annual report of the Commissione...
Cadastral survey map showing residential lot lines, lot numbers, some dimensions, and some square-fo...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Also shows density of built-up...