Cadastral map showing 1792 land tracts and owners' names.Selected buildings and trees shown pictorially.1792 information overprinted in green on 1911 base street map of central Washington showing block numbers.Planimetric map--not bird's-eye view
Printed from the same plate as the map appearing in The universal asylum, and Columbian magazine, Ph...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Also covers Rosslyn (Va.).Shows block and ward numbers, major buildings, block dimensions, street ra...
Cadastral map showing named land tracts with owners' names.Selected buildings and trees shown pictor...
Cadastral map showing land tracts, owners' names, block numbers, and radial distances from the Paten...
Shows block numbers and dimensions, street names, and land tracts and buildings belonging to Notley ...
Cadastral topographic map showing lot and block numbers, "houses," and "shanties."Relief shown by co...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Cadastral map showing lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers.Relief shown by contours and spot he...
Shows major buildings, block numbers in central city, and land tracts with owners' names and acreage...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Shows block numbers, buildings, woods, and marshes. Existing and proposed streets are undifferentiat...
Cadastral map showing landholdings in central Washington with owners' names.Facsim. of 1874 map comp...
Also shows block numbers and major buildings.Includes directory of "Width of streets and avenues.
Shows block numbers and proposed government buildings.Depths shown by soundings."United States Coast...
Printed from the same plate as the map appearing in The universal asylum, and Columbian magazine, Ph...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Also covers Rosslyn (Va.).Shows block and ward numbers, major buildings, block dimensions, street ra...
Cadastral map showing named land tracts with owners' names.Selected buildings and trees shown pictor...
Cadastral map showing land tracts, owners' names, block numbers, and radial distances from the Paten...
Shows block numbers and dimensions, street names, and land tracts and buildings belonging to Notley ...
Cadastral topographic map showing lot and block numbers, "houses," and "shanties."Relief shown by co...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Cadastral map showing lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers.Relief shown by contours and spot he...
Shows major buildings, block numbers in central city, and land tracts with owners' names and acreage...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Shows block numbers, buildings, woods, and marshes. Existing and proposed streets are undifferentiat...
Cadastral map showing landholdings in central Washington with owners' names.Facsim. of 1874 map comp...
Also shows block numbers and major buildings.Includes directory of "Width of streets and avenues.
Shows block numbers and proposed government buildings.Depths shown by soundings."United States Coast...
Printed from the same plate as the map appearing in The universal asylum, and Columbian magazine, Ph...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Also covers Rosslyn (Va.).Shows block and ward numbers, major buildings, block dimensions, street ra...