Partial cadastral map showing block numbers in city and landowners' names in rural areas."The circles indicate one-fourth miles from the White House.""Copyright 1884 by A.G. Gedney.
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas.Includes note and i...
"Copyright 1912, by Millard F. Bowen."City map oriented with north toward the upper left.Includes te...
Also shows block numbers."Equidistances 10 ft.""Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 187...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Cadastral topographic map showing lot and block numbers, "houses," and "shanties."Relief shown by co...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers, major build...
Shows radial distances and block numbers."Copyright, 1910, by Bert S. Elliott."Oriented with north t...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Shows radial distances from Capitol.Also shows block numbers and major buildings."House Ex. Doc. No....
Also shows block numbers and radial distances from the Capitol.In lower margin: Copyright secured ac...
Partial cadastral map showing some lots in suburban areas.Also shows block numbers and major buildin...
Cadastral map showing lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers.Relief shown by contours and spot he...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names and acreages in rural areas.Shows radial distan...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas.Includes note and i...
"Copyright 1912, by Millard F. Bowen."City map oriented with north toward the upper left.Includes te...
Also shows block numbers."Equidistances 10 ft.""Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 187...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers and radial d...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Cadastral topographic map showing lot and block numbers, "houses," and "shanties."Relief shown by co...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas.Also shows block numbers, major build...
Shows radial distances and block numbers."Copyright, 1910, by Bert S. Elliott."Oriented with north t...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Shows radial distances from Capitol.Also shows block numbers and major buildings."House Ex. Doc. No....
Also shows block numbers and radial distances from the Capitol.In lower margin: Copyright secured ac...
Partial cadastral map showing some lots in suburban areas.Also shows block numbers and major buildin...
Cadastral map showing lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers.Relief shown by contours and spot he...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names and acreages in rural areas.Shows radial distan...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas.Includes note and i...
"Copyright 1912, by Millard F. Bowen."City map oriented with north toward the upper left.Includes te...
Also shows block numbers."Equidistances 10 ft.""Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 187...