Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Also shows density of built-up area in city.Relief shown by contours. Depths shown by soundings.Oriented with north toward the upper left.Originally printed on 2 sheets.Includes source materials note
Pen-and-ink and watercolor.Oriented with north to the left.Darkened and mounted on cloth backing.Inc...
Covers District of Columbia less extreme southern part.; Shows major buildings and suburban subdivis...
Map shows street names, block numbers, select buildings, military fortifications, canals, bridges, a...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Also shows density of built-up...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas.Relief shown by contours. Depths...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names and acreages in rural areas.Shows radial distan...
Relief shown by contours.Partial cadastral map.Oriented with north toward the upper left."D C 56 1.
Map shows Union and Confederate fortifications and batteries; roads, railroads, ferries, settlements...
Shows major buildings, block numbers in central city, and land tracts with owners' names and acreage...
Shows wards and districts.Oriented with north toward the upper left.Includes ancillary map of Alexan...
Shows names of some residents.Relief shown by hachures.Title from Stephenson's Civil War maps, 1989....
Map shows roads, turnpikes, ferries, bridges, and locations of Prospect Hill, President's House, Cap...
Covers Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Eastern corner of D.C. ca. 7 cm. within map area.Relief sh...
Covers area bounded by Florida Av., 13th St., B St. N.W., Potomac River, and Rock Creek.Shows major ...
Pen-and-ink and watercolor.Oriented with north to the left.Darkened and mounted on cloth backing.Inc...
Covers District of Columbia less extreme southern part.; Shows major buildings and suburban subdivis...
Map shows street names, block numbers, select buildings, military fortifications, canals, bridges, a...
Partial cadastral map showing landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Also shows density of built-up...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas.Relief shown by contours. Depths...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names and acreages in rural areas.Shows radial distan...
Relief shown by contours.Partial cadastral map.Oriented with north toward the upper left."D C 56 1.
Map shows Union and Confederate fortifications and batteries; roads, railroads, ferries, settlements...
Shows major buildings, block numbers in central city, and land tracts with owners' names and acreage...
Shows wards and districts.Oriented with north toward the upper left.Includes ancillary map of Alexan...
Shows names of some residents.Relief shown by hachures.Title from Stephenson's Civil War maps, 1989....
Map shows roads, turnpikes, ferries, bridges, and locations of Prospect Hill, President's House, Cap...
Covers Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Eastern corner of D.C. ca. 7 cm. within map area.Relief sh...
Covers area bounded by Florida Av., 13th St., B St. N.W., Potomac River, and Rock Creek.Shows major ...
Pen-and-ink and watercolor.Oriented with north to the left.Darkened and mounted on cloth backing.Inc...
Covers District of Columbia less extreme southern part.; Shows major buildings and suburban subdivis...
Map shows street names, block numbers, select buildings, military fortifications, canals, bridges, a...