Cadastral map showing lot and block numbers.Covers area bounded by Potomac River, Rock Creek, 13th St. N.W., and Constitution Av. N.W.Relief shown by contours and gradient tints.Also shows fire-alarm boxes and hydrants.In upper margin: Sheet No. I.Includes "Table showing the width of the streets [and] avenues.
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Shows block numbers and dimensions, buildings, fences, and street names.Covers area bounded by Water...
Partial cadastral map showing some lots in suburban areas.Also shows block numbers and major buildin...
Covers area bounded by Florida Av., 13th St., B St. N.W., Potomac River, and Rock Creek.Shows major ...
Shows block numbers and major buildings.Includes table of "Width of streets and avenues.
Cadastral topographic map showing lot and block numbers, "houses," and "shanties."Relief shown by co...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Shows block numbers and dimensions, street names, and land tracts and buildings belonging to Notley ...
Cadastral map showing unidentified tinted lots, lot numbers, and block numbers.Shows cadastral infor...
Shows block numbers and dimensions.Covers area bounded by Rock Creek, N, 20th, and G streets N.W.Pen...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas.Includes note and i...
Cadastral map showing lot and block numbers, lot and block dimensions.Covers area around Lincoln Par...
Cadastral map showing lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers.Relief shown by contours and spot he...
Partial cadastral map showing lot lines, individual buildings, block numbers, wards, marshes, and wo...
Map shows railroads, counties, cities, towns, Native American reservations, and notable physical fea...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Shows block numbers and dimensions, buildings, fences, and street names.Covers area bounded by Water...
Partial cadastral map showing some lots in suburban areas.Also shows block numbers and major buildin...
Covers area bounded by Florida Av., 13th St., B St. N.W., Potomac River, and Rock Creek.Shows major ...
Shows block numbers and major buildings.Includes table of "Width of streets and avenues.
Cadastral topographic map showing lot and block numbers, "houses," and "shanties."Relief shown by co...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas
Shows block numbers and dimensions, street names, and land tracts and buildings belonging to Notley ...
Cadastral map showing unidentified tinted lots, lot numbers, and block numbers.Shows cadastral infor...
Shows block numbers and dimensions.Covers area bounded by Rock Creek, N, 20th, and G streets N.W.Pen...
Partial cadastral map showing block numbers and landowners' names in rural areas.Includes note and i...
Cadastral map showing lot and block numbers, lot and block dimensions.Covers area around Lincoln Par...
Cadastral map showing lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers.Relief shown by contours and spot he...
Partial cadastral map showing lot lines, individual buildings, block numbers, wards, marshes, and wo...
Map shows railroads, counties, cities, towns, Native American reservations, and notable physical fea...
Partial cadastral map showing some landowners' names in rural areas of D.C.Shows radial distances fr...
Shows block numbers and dimensions, buildings, fences, and street names.Covers area bounded by Water...
Partial cadastral map showing some lots in suburban areas.Also shows block numbers and major buildin...