Contents: Historical Highlights - p.2; Transition [Becoming the Department of Fish and Wildlife] - p.3-5; Oregon Imports Wild Mountain Goats - p.8-9; Cold Branding [Marking fish for research] - p.10; Shad Gill-Net Research Shows Promise - p.1
Contents: Warm-Water Fish Management in Oregon - p.3-7; The Controversial OPI [Oregon Production Ind...
Contents: 1983 Big Game Harvest - p.3-10; Lean Ocean Salmon Seasons Set - p.11; Redband Trout Eggs T...
Contents: Ocean Salmon Ranching Private Aquaculture in Oregon - p.3-9; Peregrine Efforts Continue [F...
Contents: Mountain Goats of the Wallowas - p.3-4; 1977 Proposed Legislation - p.5; Food for Elk [Inc...
Contents: Fish and Wildlife Management in the Second Century - p.4-7; Sheep Capture [Trap and transp...
Contents: Those Unique Salmon [Pacific Ocean salmon species] - p.3-8; Largemouth Bass - p.8; Washing...
Contents: Oregon's Wildlife Smorgasbord - p.3-6; Operation Antelope [Relocating a herd] - p.8-9; Sea...
Contents: The Present at Oregon Fish and Wildlife - p.4-8; The Past Oregon's Fish and Wildlife - p.9...
Contents: Wild Trout: A Willamette Perspective - p.3-6; Home is Where the Clam is [Pea crabs living ...
Contents: Forestry and Wildlife Habitat - p.3-6; Oregon's 1981 Hunting Casualties - p.7; Fish, Wildl...
Contents: Complexities of Wildlife Research - p.3-5; Camp Creek: Rebirth of a Section - p.6-7; Drift...
Contents: Shrimp Boats are Here [Shrimping industry] - p.3-5; Mule Deer Management on Private Lands ...
Contents: Poor Man's Trout [Whitefish] - p.3-5; Thanks Oregonians! [Countering pelican food shortage...
Contents: Salmon Trout Enhancement Program - p.3-7; Diary of a Steelhead - p.8-9; Hang Your Clothes ...
Contents: The Big Show in the Basin [Bald eagle migration in Klamath Basin] - p.4-9; Hatcheries & Wi...
Contents: Warm-Water Fish Management in Oregon - p.3-7; The Controversial OPI [Oregon Production Ind...
Contents: 1983 Big Game Harvest - p.3-10; Lean Ocean Salmon Seasons Set - p.11; Redband Trout Eggs T...
Contents: Ocean Salmon Ranching Private Aquaculture in Oregon - p.3-9; Peregrine Efforts Continue [F...
Contents: Mountain Goats of the Wallowas - p.3-4; 1977 Proposed Legislation - p.5; Food for Elk [Inc...
Contents: Fish and Wildlife Management in the Second Century - p.4-7; Sheep Capture [Trap and transp...
Contents: Those Unique Salmon [Pacific Ocean salmon species] - p.3-8; Largemouth Bass - p.8; Washing...
Contents: Oregon's Wildlife Smorgasbord - p.3-6; Operation Antelope [Relocating a herd] - p.8-9; Sea...
Contents: The Present at Oregon Fish and Wildlife - p.4-8; The Past Oregon's Fish and Wildlife - p.9...
Contents: Wild Trout: A Willamette Perspective - p.3-6; Home is Where the Clam is [Pea crabs living ...
Contents: Forestry and Wildlife Habitat - p.3-6; Oregon's 1981 Hunting Casualties - p.7; Fish, Wildl...
Contents: Complexities of Wildlife Research - p.3-5; Camp Creek: Rebirth of a Section - p.6-7; Drift...
Contents: Shrimp Boats are Here [Shrimping industry] - p.3-5; Mule Deer Management on Private Lands ...
Contents: Poor Man's Trout [Whitefish] - p.3-5; Thanks Oregonians! [Countering pelican food shortage...
Contents: Salmon Trout Enhancement Program - p.3-7; Diary of a Steelhead - p.8-9; Hang Your Clothes ...
Contents: The Big Show in the Basin [Bald eagle migration in Klamath Basin] - p.4-9; Hatcheries & Wi...
Contents: Warm-Water Fish Management in Oregon - p.3-7; The Controversial OPI [Oregon Production Ind...
Contents: 1983 Big Game Harvest - p.3-10; Lean Ocean Salmon Seasons Set - p.11; Redband Trout Eggs T...
Contents: Ocean Salmon Ranching Private Aquaculture in Oregon - p.3-9; Peregrine Efforts Continue [F...