Author Institution: Molecular Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Microwave Spectroscopy Laboratory, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of ScienceThe $C=O$ stretching fundamental $(\nu_{4})$ of acetaldehyde $(CH_{3}CHO)$ at $1745 cm^{-1}$ has been measured with a tunable infrared diode laser spectrometer coupled to a slit-jet nozzle source. The spectrum does not appear to be severely fractionated and assignments are currently being attempted. The overtone $2\nu_{4}$ was recorded between $3470 cm^{-1}$ and $3490 cm^{-1}$ with a color-center laser coupled to the electric-resonance optothermal spectrometer. Preliminary double-resonance assignments have been made and minimal fractionation from IVR has be...
Author Institution: National Institute of the Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 U.S.A...
Author Institution: Laboratoire de Physique Mol\'{e}culaire et Applications, Universit\'{e} P. et M....
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry and Rice Quantum Institute, Rice UniversityThe high-reso...
Author Institution: Molecular Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Micr...
$^{1}$ H.Hollenstein and Hs.H,Gunthard, Spectrochim. Acta vol.27A, p.2027 (1971) $^{2}$ E Herbst, J....
$^{h}$H. Hollenstein. Mol. Phys., 39(1980)1013. $^{i}$H.Hollenstein and Hs. H. Gunthard, Spectrochim...
Author Institution: Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Pisa and INFM, Via F. Buonarroti 2, I-5612...
$^{a}$ Z.D. Sun, S. Ogura, F. Matsushima, S. Tsunekawa and K. Takagi, paper RA08 at the ``53rd Ohio ...
Author Institution: Molecular Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and TechnologyThe pr...
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, University of VirginiaThe high-resolution infrared spec...
Author Institution: Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU, Chervonopraporna 4, 61002 Kharkov, Ukraine...
Li-Hong Xu, Jon Hougen, Isabelle Kleiner, Jens-Uwe Grabow et al. beautifully analyzed ro-vibrational...
$^{1}$ Huisken, F., Stemmler, M., {Chem, Phys. Lett}., 1988, 144(4), 391. $^{2}$LaCosse, J. P., Lisy...
$^{1}$ S.P. Below V.M. Demkin A.F. Krupnov and M. Yu. Tretyakov Xth International Conference on High...
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Princeton UniversityWe have taken spectra of $CF3C\equi...
Author Institution: National Institute of the Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 U.S.A...
Author Institution: Laboratoire de Physique Mol\'{e}culaire et Applications, Universit\'{e} P. et M....
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry and Rice Quantum Institute, Rice UniversityThe high-reso...
Author Institution: Molecular Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Micr...
$^{1}$ H.Hollenstein and Hs.H,Gunthard, Spectrochim. Acta vol.27A, p.2027 (1971) $^{2}$ E Herbst, J....
$^{h}$H. Hollenstein. Mol. Phys., 39(1980)1013. $^{i}$H.Hollenstein and Hs. H. Gunthard, Spectrochim...
Author Institution: Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Pisa and INFM, Via F. Buonarroti 2, I-5612...
$^{a}$ Z.D. Sun, S. Ogura, F. Matsushima, S. Tsunekawa and K. Takagi, paper RA08 at the ``53rd Ohio ...
Author Institution: Molecular Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and TechnologyThe pr...
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, University of VirginiaThe high-resolution infrared spec...
Author Institution: Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU, Chervonopraporna 4, 61002 Kharkov, Ukraine...
Li-Hong Xu, Jon Hougen, Isabelle Kleiner, Jens-Uwe Grabow et al. beautifully analyzed ro-vibrational...
$^{1}$ Huisken, F., Stemmler, M., {Chem, Phys. Lett}., 1988, 144(4), 391. $^{2}$LaCosse, J. P., Lisy...
$^{1}$ S.P. Below V.M. Demkin A.F. Krupnov and M. Yu. Tretyakov Xth International Conference on High...
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, Princeton UniversityWe have taken spectra of $CF3C\equi...
Author Institution: National Institute of the Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 U.S.A...
Author Institution: Laboratoire de Physique Mol\'{e}culaire et Applications, Universit\'{e} P. et M....
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry and Rice Quantum Institute, Rice UniversityThe high-reso...