$^{1}$ B. R Russell, L. O. Edwards, and J. W, Raymonda, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 95, 2129 (1973). $^{2}$ G. C. Causley and B. R. Russell, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 848 (1975). This work was supported by The Robert A. Welch Foundation.""Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, North Texas State UniversityThe vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of a variety of n,n dihalogenated compounds in the vapor phase, taken in the region from $40 000 cm^{-1}$ (4.9 eV) to $83 000 cm^{-1}$ (10.3 eV) will be presented. The transitions which occur In this In this region are thought to arise primarily from the specific combinations of halogen non-bonding $p$ orbitals which lie perpendicular to the M-X bonding axes. The $\sigma^{*} \leftarrow n$ (M-X) and the first ...