In contrast to phonographical recording, storage, and reproduction of the voice, most media theories, especially prominent media theories of the human voice, neglected the aspect of synthesizing human-like voices by non-human means. This paper takes this lacuna as a starting point for an inquiry into the media theory of (non)human voices under the premise that the epistemological difference between techn(olog)ical voice production and its mere re-production is illuminated by the mythological motifs of the Sirens and Echo, respectively. Interestingly, the interconnection between terror and tempting nonhuman voices, which is implemented in the cultural imaginary through the Sirens song, can be identified in the media history of speech synthe...
Guided by the ideas of monstrous body and voice introduced by Bojana Kunst and Jelena Novak, respect...
Presented as part of a track on 'Sound and Voice’, this 15 minute paper explored very new research a...
The notion of an artwork that is in the process of becoming, through duress, is metaphoric of a numb...
Media archaeology is not just a methodological claim but first of all a research practice of media ...
This text departs from a contradictory claim in deaf studies and sound studies: both disciplines des...
In Homer’s account of the adventurous journey of Odysseus, the song of the sirens was so appealing a...
This paper unpacks the relationships between the human voice and sound technologies by re-reading an...
Introduction of a themed issue entitled "'Ventriloquism' as a practice and metaphor".Non peer review...
Erwin Straus’ aesthesiological analysis of the voice-hearing modality can serve as a bridge between ...
Diffusé avec l’accord des Éditions Amsterdam University Press, détentrices des droits d’auteur sur c...
Thesis: S.M. in Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Huma...
Sonic Intimacy asks us who-or what-deserves to have a voice, beyond the human. Arguing that our ears...
The two works that comprise my thesis exhibit, Siren and In the Name of the Voice Shines the Light, ...
How do we thoroughly historicize the voice, or integrate it into our historical research, and how do...
PublishedArticleThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Intellec...
Guided by the ideas of monstrous body and voice introduced by Bojana Kunst and Jelena Novak, respect...
Presented as part of a track on 'Sound and Voice’, this 15 minute paper explored very new research a...
The notion of an artwork that is in the process of becoming, through duress, is metaphoric of a numb...
Media archaeology is not just a methodological claim but first of all a research practice of media ...
This text departs from a contradictory claim in deaf studies and sound studies: both disciplines des...
In Homer’s account of the adventurous journey of Odysseus, the song of the sirens was so appealing a...
This paper unpacks the relationships between the human voice and sound technologies by re-reading an...
Introduction of a themed issue entitled "'Ventriloquism' as a practice and metaphor".Non peer review...
Erwin Straus’ aesthesiological analysis of the voice-hearing modality can serve as a bridge between ...
Diffusé avec l’accord des Éditions Amsterdam University Press, détentrices des droits d’auteur sur c...
Thesis: S.M. in Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Huma...
Sonic Intimacy asks us who-or what-deserves to have a voice, beyond the human. Arguing that our ears...
The two works that comprise my thesis exhibit, Siren and In the Name of the Voice Shines the Light, ...
How do we thoroughly historicize the voice, or integrate it into our historical research, and how do...
PublishedArticleThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Intellec...
Guided by the ideas of monstrous body and voice introduced by Bojana Kunst and Jelena Novak, respect...
Presented as part of a track on 'Sound and Voice’, this 15 minute paper explored very new research a...
The notion of an artwork that is in the process of becoming, through duress, is metaphoric of a numb...