Shedding Light is "Inspired by Andy Warhol’s Sunset, 1967, at the Menil Collection, this screening presents a selection of rarely seen short films, both historical and contemporary, that focus on the sun, light, color, reflection, refraction, and horizons. Included are Francois de Menil’s Evening of Light, 1969, featuring Nico and Iggy Pop, John Cage and Richard Lippold's The Sun Film, 1956, and Kayla Parker’s Sunset Strip, 1996" [The Menil Collection programme notes]. Sunset Strip was commissioned by The Arts Council and Channel 4; and supported financially through an Animate Award.Programme of artists' moving image which includes the 35mm film 'Sunset Strip' by Kayla Parker. A day-by-day animated diary of a year's sunsets, recorded direct...