The Genre Archive, created by the English Language Institute at The University of Michigan, is a collection of around one thousand papers dealing in nearly all cases with some aspect or aspects of non-literary genres. The Archive was assembled by John Swales, his graduate students, and the visiting scholars who came to the institute, often supported by the H. Joan Morley Scholarship Fund, with the assistance of the staff of the ELI Library. The earliest papers are from the 1950s and the latest from 2007, but the majority are from the 1985 to 2005 period. Some are published papers; others dissertations or theses, or parts thereof; some are manuscripts, sometimes drafts of later publications and sometimes term papers or other coursework. ...
The concept of genre has long been fundamental in both literature and literacy studies. In this qual...
Scholarship across disciplines is changing in the face of digital methodologies, novel forms of evid...
The growth and evolution of digital scholarship in the humanities has produced new genres of scholar...
Die Bibliographie listet Artikel zur allgemeinen Problematik der Genres in Filmtheorie und -geschich...
Large digital collections offer new avenues of exploration for literary scholars. But their potentia...
Genre analysis is a methodologically prominent approach to segmenting a scientific abstract into dis...
Though university English textbooks are widely circulated and heavily critiqued (e.g., as didactic a...
This paper examines the role of genre in organizing bibliographic information through three sets of ...
Drawing on bibliometric methods (citation analysis and content analysis) and literature review, this...
Genre is a label of classification imposed on literary works, usually as a means to understand how t...
This project is a book-length study of the manifesto, which attempts to trace adaptations writers ha...
This paper presents an overview of the ways in which genres, or structural forms, develop in a commu...
Genres of Evidence uses four cases studies to argue that the distinction between historiographic and...
Although scholars have studied some sources of variation within genres, the variation that is each i...
Purpose – To introduce the special issue on “Genres of digital documents.” While there are many defi...
The concept of genre has long been fundamental in both literature and literacy studies. In this qual...
Scholarship across disciplines is changing in the face of digital methodologies, novel forms of evid...
The growth and evolution of digital scholarship in the humanities has produced new genres of scholar...
Die Bibliographie listet Artikel zur allgemeinen Problematik der Genres in Filmtheorie und -geschich...
Large digital collections offer new avenues of exploration for literary scholars. But their potentia...
Genre analysis is a methodologically prominent approach to segmenting a scientific abstract into dis...
Though university English textbooks are widely circulated and heavily critiqued (e.g., as didactic a...
This paper examines the role of genre in organizing bibliographic information through three sets of ...
Drawing on bibliometric methods (citation analysis and content analysis) and literature review, this...
Genre is a label of classification imposed on literary works, usually as a means to understand how t...
This project is a book-length study of the manifesto, which attempts to trace adaptations writers ha...
This paper presents an overview of the ways in which genres, or structural forms, develop in a commu...
Genres of Evidence uses four cases studies to argue that the distinction between historiographic and...
Although scholars have studied some sources of variation within genres, the variation that is each i...
Purpose – To introduce the special issue on “Genres of digital documents.” While there are many defi...
The concept of genre has long been fundamental in both literature and literacy studies. In this qual...
Scholarship across disciplines is changing in the face of digital methodologies, novel forms of evid...
The growth and evolution of digital scholarship in the humanities has produced new genres of scholar...