Surface detail from the rock near tomb no. 40, one of the Roman sarcophaguses (or rock tombs) carved into the rock slab in the archaeological site of Yumrutepe 1, Layer D. Layer D exhibits Roman influences regarding burial customs and tomb design. Yumrutepe located near Beyköy, İhsaniye in the province of Afyonkarahisar is a tumulus from the Phrygian period made up of four layers from A to D. Yumrutepe 1, A was found at the top of the other three layers underneath in this tumulus. Sarcophaguses are box-like funeral receptacles for a corpse, most commonly carved in stone. Unlike typical sarcophaguses which are displayed above ground, Yumrutepe archaeological site sarcophaguses were carved under the ground.90x130 mm, color photograph