The present work is dedicated to contrastive focus in French. It is part of a collaboration between the INCM in Marseille, the CRISCO laboratory in Caen and the LPL in Aix. The present paper proposes an analysis of the acoustic realisation of contrastive focus in French, where both syllabic- and word-level features are investigated with regards to focus position (middle or end) in the sentence. This phonetic work is aimed at providing a linguistic interpretation for the results of a perceptual experiment on the same material, which tackles the issue of on-line processing of pragmatic focus, using the Event Related Potentials (ERP) method (Magne et al, these proceedings).On présente une analyse de la réalisation acoustique du focus contrasti... audienceContrastive foc...
Bibliothèque de l'Information grammaticaleLa notion de focus est ici abordée dans une perspective pr...
Publications de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. p. 137-160This study will consider the notion o...
The present work is dedicated to contrastive focus in French. It is part of a collaboration between ...
Cette thèse a pour objectif de rendre compte des relations entre syntaxe et phonologie dans l'expres...
International audienceThis study examines the visual cues to prosodic contrastive focus in Hexagonal...
Publié par la Société de linguistique de Paris.ISBN : 90-429-1460-2 (Leuven). - 2-87723-792-3 (Paris...
Though it is widely accepted that French do not signal focus through pitch accent assignment, the re...
In contrast with stress-accent languages, French does not signal focus through pitch accent assignme...
International audienceThe present event-related functional magnetic brain imaging (fMRI) study deals...
This study is a follow-up of previous studies we conducted on the visible articulatory correlates of...
This study is a follow-up of previous studies we conducted on the visible articulatory correlates of...
International audienceThis study is a follow-up of previous studies we conducted on the visible arti...
The work described in this dissertation is grounded by three major findings. Firstly, numerous resea...
International audienceThe aim of this paper is to study how contrastive focus is conveyed by prosody... audienceContrastive foc...
Bibliothèque de l'Information grammaticaleLa notion de focus est ici abordée dans une perspective pr...
Publications de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. p. 137-160This study will consider the notion o...
The present work is dedicated to contrastive focus in French. It is part of a collaboration between ...
Cette thèse a pour objectif de rendre compte des relations entre syntaxe et phonologie dans l'expres...
International audienceThis study examines the visual cues to prosodic contrastive focus in Hexagonal...
Publié par la Société de linguistique de Paris.ISBN : 90-429-1460-2 (Leuven). - 2-87723-792-3 (Paris...
Though it is widely accepted that French do not signal focus through pitch accent assignment, the re...
In contrast with stress-accent languages, French does not signal focus through pitch accent assignme...
International audienceThe present event-related functional magnetic brain imaging (fMRI) study deals...
This study is a follow-up of previous studies we conducted on the visible articulatory correlates of...
This study is a follow-up of previous studies we conducted on the visible articulatory correlates of...
International audienceThis study is a follow-up of previous studies we conducted on the visible arti...
The work described in this dissertation is grounded by three major findings. Firstly, numerous resea...
International audienceThe aim of this paper is to study how contrastive focus is conveyed by prosody... audienceContrastive foc...
Bibliothèque de l'Information grammaticaleLa notion de focus est ici abordée dans une perspective pr...
Publications de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. p. 137-160This study will consider the notion o...