The discovery of important archaeological vestiges, submerged a number of meters underwater in direct proximity to modern Alexandria, has necessitated research into the relative mobility of the sea and coastal landscape during ancient time. In response to this, a twofold research framework has been applied : underwater investigations using diving equipment and three cores campaigns. The work has shed light on the geomorphological evolution of Alexandria's coastline over the course of the last 6,000 years. Morphogenetic studies of the tombolo linking the Island of Pharos to the continent have been undertaken, in addition to work concerning the progressive infilling of the eastern and western bays. From the end of the 4th century BC the found...
Les deltas ont débuté leur édification il y a environ 7000 ans suite à la stabilisation du niveau de...
À côté de la jeune histoire de l’archéologie sous-marine égyptienne qui est retracée dans ce travail...
International audienceAlexandria has a particularly rich cultural potential whether on land or un...
The discovery of important archaeological vestiges, submerged a number of meters underwater in direc...
In 1998 and 1999, two borehole projects were organized in the region of Alexandria, Egypt. Stratigra...
International audienceDuring the 19th century, remains of an ancient harbour were found underwater a...
During the 19th century, remains of an ancient harbour were found underwater at a depth of 5 to 6 me...
International audienceIn this paper, we report the palaeoenvironmental evolution of Alexandria’s coa...
International audienceAncient Alexandria possessed not only an important maritime front but also a l...
Le programme de recherches paléo-environnementales du Centre d’études alexandrines a pour objectif d...
Using earth science and archaeological tools, we investigate 5000 years of human-environment interac...
The former city of Avaris is one of the biggest in the Nile delta. The city was the capital of the H...
Les deltas ont débuté leur édification il y a environ 7000 ans suite à la stabilisation du niveau de...
À côté de la jeune histoire de l’archéologie sous-marine égyptienne qui est retracée dans ce travail...
International audienceAlexandria has a particularly rich cultural potential whether on land or un...
The discovery of important archaeological vestiges, submerged a number of meters underwater in direc...
In 1998 and 1999, two borehole projects were organized in the region of Alexandria, Egypt. Stratigra...
International audienceDuring the 19th century, remains of an ancient harbour were found underwater a...
During the 19th century, remains of an ancient harbour were found underwater at a depth of 5 to 6 me...
International audienceIn this paper, we report the palaeoenvironmental evolution of Alexandria’s coa...
International audienceAncient Alexandria possessed not only an important maritime front but also a l...
Le programme de recherches paléo-environnementales du Centre d’études alexandrines a pour objectif d...
Using earth science and archaeological tools, we investigate 5000 years of human-environment interac...
The former city of Avaris is one of the biggest in the Nile delta. The city was the capital of the H...
Les deltas ont débuté leur édification il y a environ 7000 ans suite à la stabilisation du niveau de...
À côté de la jeune histoire de l’archéologie sous-marine égyptienne qui est retracée dans ce travail...
International audienceAlexandria has a particularly rich cultural potential whether on land or un...