Les valeurs sémantique du suffixe -âtre, marqueur d'opérations sur le plan notionnel

  • Bottineau, Tatiana
Publication date
January 2010
Presses Universitaires de Caen


In actual french, the suffix -âtre (from the Latin's suffix -asterum) is no longer productive and often its is presented as the marker of negative opinion about the singular occurrence of the property p. Utilizing a morpho-syntaxic and cognitive approch, this analysis sets the objective to formalise suffix's function and show its not nessarily expresses a pejorative opinion. The words pâtre value depends on the suffix and the radical relationship. In deed, the radical introduces p, the referential value, and the suffix actualises p' (other that p) or non-p (opposite to p). The suffix marks the implicite operations settled on the notional level; its constructs the opposition between both values p and p' (or p and non-p) introduced on the sam...

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