avec la collaboration de Olivier Barge (Archéorient), Anne Benoist (Archéorient), Xavier Craperi (ALTA Géomètres experts, Lyon), Julien Charbonnier (post-doctorant / Arscan), Bruno Marcolongo (CNR / IRPI - Institut de géologie appliquée, Padoue), Xavier Peixoto (Inrap, Paris), Emmanuelle Régagnon (Archéorient), Cécile Verdellet (Lyon II)The second season for the "Archaeological and Epigraphic Investigations in Tigrai Region (Pre-Aksumite & Askumite Period)" took place from 15 November to 15 December 2012 in Saʿesiʿe Tsʿada Emba woreda, north-eastern Tigrai. It is part of a four year research programme, headed by Dr Iwona Gajda and Dr Fabienne Dugast from the CNRS (Umr 8167 "Orient & Méditerranée" / Paris), and supported by the French Minist...