This research examines English linguistic markers using the concept of ‘polyphony’, i.e. intersubjectivity, a concept that is key to many studies in French linguistics. More precisely, we examine how negative interrogative constructions in English work, while also exploring the possibility that they may shed light on how the English linguistic system functions as a whole.To do so, we begin by reviewing the theoretical work that inspired our study. This earlier work is then applied to our corpus of negative interrogatives, which were sourced from a collection of short stories by Raymond Carver. Our analysis begins by looking at negative interrogatives that do not contain interrogative pronouns – more precisely, those introduced by isn’t, don...
The French interrogative system, which allows for variation among several distinct syntactic structu...
International audienceThis paper investigates direct questions in Picard and their variation for the...
Abstract This thesis reports on an empirical study of the forms and functions of two interrelated sy...
This research examines English linguistic markers using the concept of ‘polyphony’, i.e. intersubjec...
Cette recherche propose d’examiner les marqueurs de l’anglais à la lumière du concept de polyphonie,...
This article investigates the use of negative interrogatives in English and provides new support as ...
In this paper, we attempt to explore linguistic impoliteness in French in the course of ordinary con...
In this paper, we attempt to explore linguistic impoliteness in French in the course of ordinary con...
This thesis examines the syntactic properties of the polar interrogative particle tu in Quebec Frenc...
Cette recherche vise à rendre compte du fonctionnement et des conditions d emploi de quelques marque...
This research aims to account for the functions and the conditions of the usage of the discourse mar...
This paper addresses the debate on the existence of specifically syntactic restrictions on one of a ...
Cette recherche vise à rendre compte du fonctionnement et des conditions d’emploi de quelques marque...
Varieties of English show a range of non-standard phenomena in the field of interrogative syntax: un...
Our aim is the study of the intonation of interrogatives in French. Interrogatives refer to a clause...
The French interrogative system, which allows for variation among several distinct syntactic structu...
International audienceThis paper investigates direct questions in Picard and their variation for the...
Abstract This thesis reports on an empirical study of the forms and functions of two interrelated sy...
This research examines English linguistic markers using the concept of ‘polyphony’, i.e. intersubjec...
Cette recherche propose d’examiner les marqueurs de l’anglais à la lumière du concept de polyphonie,...
This article investigates the use of negative interrogatives in English and provides new support as ...
In this paper, we attempt to explore linguistic impoliteness in French in the course of ordinary con...
In this paper, we attempt to explore linguistic impoliteness in French in the course of ordinary con...
This thesis examines the syntactic properties of the polar interrogative particle tu in Quebec Frenc...
Cette recherche vise à rendre compte du fonctionnement et des conditions d emploi de quelques marque...
This research aims to account for the functions and the conditions of the usage of the discourse mar...
This paper addresses the debate on the existence of specifically syntactic restrictions on one of a ...
Cette recherche vise à rendre compte du fonctionnement et des conditions d’emploi de quelques marque...
Varieties of English show a range of non-standard phenomena in the field of interrogative syntax: un...
Our aim is the study of the intonation of interrogatives in French. Interrogatives refer to a clause...
The French interrogative system, which allows for variation among several distinct syntactic structu...
International audienceThis paper investigates direct questions in Picard and their variation for the...
Abstract This thesis reports on an empirical study of the forms and functions of two interrelated sy...