For each of eight literature-identified conceptual dimensions of mortality awareness, questionnaire items were generated, producing 89 in all. 359 participants responded to these items and to questionnaires measuring health attitudes, risk-taking, rebelliousness and demographic variables. Multivariate correlational analyses investigated the underlying structure of the item pool and the construct validity as well as the reliability of the emergent empirically derived subscales. Five components, rather than eight, were identified. Given the item content of each, the associated mortality awareness subscales were labelled as: legacy, fearfulness, acceptance, disempowerment, and disengagement. Each attained an acceptable level of internal reliab...
This study explores self-related outcomes (e.g., esteem, self-concept clarity, existential well-bein...
Death anxiety is examined from several frameworks in an attempt to understand it better. The framewo...
Using a multidimensional approach, this study investigated the relationships between personality var...
For each of eight literature-identified conceptual dimensions of mortality awareness, questionnaire ...
With few exceptions, much of the literature on mortality awareness (MA; the realization of one’s own...
Much research has focused upon the association between mortality awareness and mental ill-health. In...
Thinking about our own death and its salience in relation to decision making has become a fruitful a...
The purpose of the study was the development of the Self-Death Awareness Scale (SDAS), an instrument...
Despite its potential for advancing organizational behavior (OB) research, the topic of death awaren...
The terror management health model suggests targeting sources of self-esteem or identity, in conjunc...
In the 50 years of research in death attitudes, clear gains have been made in the measurement of dea...
Kastenbaum and Aisenberg have suggested that persons can cope with the impact of death and dying by ...
Modern medicine has allowed individuals with metastatic cancer to live longer than ever before, some...
BACKGROUND: The concept of a good death is central to end-of-life care research. Despite its importa...
Terror Management Theory proposes that the threat of death produces existential terror, which accent...
This study explores self-related outcomes (e.g., esteem, self-concept clarity, existential well-bein...
Death anxiety is examined from several frameworks in an attempt to understand it better. The framewo...
Using a multidimensional approach, this study investigated the relationships between personality var...
For each of eight literature-identified conceptual dimensions of mortality awareness, questionnaire ...
With few exceptions, much of the literature on mortality awareness (MA; the realization of one’s own...
Much research has focused upon the association between mortality awareness and mental ill-health. In...
Thinking about our own death and its salience in relation to decision making has become a fruitful a...
The purpose of the study was the development of the Self-Death Awareness Scale (SDAS), an instrument...
Despite its potential for advancing organizational behavior (OB) research, the topic of death awaren...
The terror management health model suggests targeting sources of self-esteem or identity, in conjunc...
In the 50 years of research in death attitudes, clear gains have been made in the measurement of dea...
Kastenbaum and Aisenberg have suggested that persons can cope with the impact of death and dying by ...
Modern medicine has allowed individuals with metastatic cancer to live longer than ever before, some...
BACKGROUND: The concept of a good death is central to end-of-life care research. Despite its importa...
Terror Management Theory proposes that the threat of death produces existential terror, which accent...
This study explores self-related outcomes (e.g., esteem, self-concept clarity, existential well-bein...
Death anxiety is examined from several frameworks in an attempt to understand it better. The framewo...
Using a multidimensional approach, this study investigated the relationships between personality var...