Zduńska Wola (rural) commune coat of arms was adopted in 2001. It was de-signed by Andrzej Dabrowski, a designer connected with the Polish Heraldry Cen-tre. The emblem includes reference to the controversial mid-19th century version of Zduńska Wola city crest or the region’s bee-keeping tradition (three bees), and to the Siemiątkowski family (coat of arms Jastrzębiec) living in Zduńska Wola re-gion in the 19th and first half of the 20th century (a horseshoe and a cross). In 2001 the project of the sign, with due explanation, was submitted, as is re-quired by law, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration for opinion. The initial opinion prepared by experts from the Heraldry Committee was nega-tive, but it did not lead to the i...