The paper brings new data on the petrography and geochemistry of the Muntele Mare Granitoid (MMG), from its northernmost outcropping area (Mănăstireni-Bedeci area, Gilău Massif, Apuseni Mountains), where MM\G is are actively quarried for quartz and feldspar that are used in the ceramics industry. The MMG mined in the Bedeci quarry has a pegmatitic hypidiomorphous – inequigranular fabric, and a low melanocratic index (ca. 7%). It consists of quartz, plagioclase (two generations: acidic andesine-basic oligoclase (34-35% An), and albite (9-11% An)), orthoclase ± perthite in various substitution stages by microcline (intermediary), as well as microcline maximum, muscovite and biotite. Accessories include: apatite, zircon, magnetite, rutile and ...