proof of concept based on numerical closed loop simulations

  • Austen, Gerrit
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Publication date
January 2009
Univ. Stuttgart


The aim of this thesis is to present an alternative for the solution of a fundamental problem of geodesy. This problem, the so-called classical geodetic boundary value problem, comprises the determination of the figure of the Earth as well as the recovery of the Earths̉ gravity field in the exterior of the terrestrial masses. Already in 1849, G.G. Stokes addressed the problem of finding the Earths̉ gravity potential together with the physical shape of the Earth, i.e. the geoid. Later on in 1962, M.S. Molodensky proposed his famous theory for the direct gravimetric determination of the Earths̉ topographical surface along with the external gravity potential. Both approaches solve the initially nonlinear free boundary value problem, which impl...

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