For some years the present writer has been studying the marine algal flora of Yakusima, Tanegasima and their vicinity. The result of this study seems likely to the writer to be interesting and contribute to some extent to the marine flora of the southern parts of Japan. Among the specimens of marine algae from these Islands, collected by the writer since 1947, there are some interesting ones, of which are described in the following pages.屋久島,種子島及びその近海の海藻類の研究については従来本格的調査は行われていない。数年前より筆者は同海区の海藻類の研究調査を進めているが,中には新種,新邦産種,分布上,生態学上,分類学上興味する植物も相当見受けられるので逐次発表することにした。1) ヨゴレアケボノモズク(新称) : 本植物はTrichogloea Requienii (MONT.) KUETZINGに稍近似の種であるが,体の外観,内部構造,生殖器官の構造及びその発生過程等に於て差異を数点発見する事が出来るので新種と見做される。種子島,馬毛島に産する。 2) アケボノモズク : 本邦産のTrichogloeaは岡村博士によって1923年T. l...
publisher奈良天草本イソポ物語(Esopono Fabulas)の編者はその上巻編集の際に底本とした古活字本祖本(キリシタン訳本)の外に欧本をも用いていたと推定される.その欧本を上巻の「参考原...
糸魚川-静岡線をはさんで,赤石山地主部から南部フォッサマグナまでのいわゆる外帯地向斜に,低度広域変成岩が露出する.この変成帯は次のような特徴的鉱物によつて少くとも3つに分帯できる.Zone I zeo...
For some years the present writer has been studying the marine algal flora of Yakusima, Tanegasima a...
Topographic and geologic surveys by means of a PDR, seismic multi-channel and a dredger during the D...
1.インドネシア共和国スマトラ島とジャワ島の気候の異なる環境に定点観測地を設置し,食葉性テントウムシ類の長期個体群動態を,成虫の個体識別マーク法と卵,幼虫,踊の生命表作成を用いた3~7 日おきの定期セ...
Fishery-oceanographic survey of the Gulf of Thailand were jointly carried out by Nagasaki University...
The tsunamis which were generated at E Luzon I. on Aug. 1, 1968 and off NE Celebes I. on Aug. 10, 19...
Late in the fall of 1987, as a part of the Japanese National Research Program (DELP/Dynamics and Evo...
Impedance tensor elements were determined for periods between 20 and 240 min from the magnetic and t...
Subcrustal earthquakes beneath the Kanto District and vicinity show some intense clusters of hypocen...
Steady-state convection currents of an incompressible Newtonian fluid of very high viscosity in a no...
The shoals of unripe adult fish of grey mullet, Mugil cephalus came to coastal waters of Western Kyu...
The vascular system of the node and the leaf was investigated on the Japanese species of genus Querc...
publisher奈良天草本イソポ物語(Esopono Fabulas)の編者はその上巻編集の際に底本とした古活字本祖本(キリシタン訳本)の外に欧本をも用いていたと推定される.その欧本を上巻の「参考原...
糸魚川-静岡線をはさんで,赤石山地主部から南部フォッサマグナまでのいわゆる外帯地向斜に,低度広域変成岩が露出する.この変成帯は次のような特徴的鉱物によつて少くとも3つに分帯できる.Zone I zeo...
For some years the present writer has been studying the marine algal flora of Yakusima, Tanegasima a...
Topographic and geologic surveys by means of a PDR, seismic multi-channel and a dredger during the D...
1.インドネシア共和国スマトラ島とジャワ島の気候の異なる環境に定点観測地を設置し,食葉性テントウムシ類の長期個体群動態を,成虫の個体識別マーク法と卵,幼虫,踊の生命表作成を用いた3~7 日おきの定期セ...
Fishery-oceanographic survey of the Gulf of Thailand were jointly carried out by Nagasaki University...
The tsunamis which were generated at E Luzon I. on Aug. 1, 1968 and off NE Celebes I. on Aug. 10, 19...
Late in the fall of 1987, as a part of the Japanese National Research Program (DELP/Dynamics and Evo...
Impedance tensor elements were determined for periods between 20 and 240 min from the magnetic and t...
Subcrustal earthquakes beneath the Kanto District and vicinity show some intense clusters of hypocen...
Steady-state convection currents of an incompressible Newtonian fluid of very high viscosity in a no...
The shoals of unripe adult fish of grey mullet, Mugil cephalus came to coastal waters of Western Kyu...
The vascular system of the node and the leaf was investigated on the Japanese species of genus Querc...
publisher奈良天草本イソポ物語(Esopono Fabulas)の編者はその上巻編集の際に底本とした古活字本祖本(キリシタン訳本)の外に欧本をも用いていたと推定される.その欧本を上巻の「参考原...
糸魚川-静岡線をはさんで,赤石山地主部から南部フォッサマグナまでのいわゆる外帯地向斜に,低度広域変成岩が露出する.この変成帯は次のような特徴的鉱物によつて少くとも3つに分帯できる.Zone I zeo...