A total of 70 benthic marine algal taxa was identified from collections made around Sakurajima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Eighteen species belonging to phylum Chlorophyta, 15 species for Phaeophyta, 34 species for Rhodophyta, 1 species for Cyanophyta and 2 species for sea-grass were reported from collections of 1986. More common genera were Codium, Sargassum, Gelidium and Gracilaria. Fauchea leptophylla SEGAWA (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) was a newly reported species from southern part of Japan. This paper dealt with the distribution, seasonal succession and reproductive period of benthic marine algae found in Sakurajima Island.1986年に鹿児島県桜島の海藻相調査を行ない,海産顕花植物2種,藍藻1種,緑藻18種,褐藻15種,紅藻34種の合計70種(sp. 2種を含む)を明らかにした。本海域での優占種は,緑藻ミル属,褐藻ホンダワラ属,...
The studies of the marine algae in deep sea by dredging have been made by the writer in the Southwes...
The research of the marine benthic flora was carried out in 2005 in the inner part of Amursky Bay (P...
In the west coast of Nagasaki Prefecture, many phycologists have collected the algae, but the algal ...
A total of 70 benthic marine algal taxa was identified from collections made around Sakurajima Islan...
The algal flora and coastal environment were investigated at 12 stations around the coast of Sugari,...
The algal flora and coastal environments were investigated in May at 10 stations in Haidaura, 1999. ...
Seaweed beds are communities consisting of large benthic plants and distributed widely along Japanes...
This paper deals with a marine algae of additional ones to the algae described by Yamada and Tanaka ...
Preliminary study of benthic marine algae was conducted in Kuchinoerabu Island, an island of norther...
与論島沿岸に分布する海藻類の植生調査を2004年2月13-14日に行って、かつては藻場を形成していた褐藻ホンダワラ属の群落が消滅していることを明らかにし、併せて海水分析を行った。Flora of se...
The sargassaceous algae, with their usual habitat in the sublittoral zone where only infrequent stud...
In the following papers some descriptions have been made of five species among a lot of interesting ...
Preliminary study of benthic marine algae was conducted in Kuchinoerabu Island, an island of norther...
Distribution of thirteen species of seagrass in Satsunan Islands and adjacent waters (Kagoshima Pref...
Distribution of thirteen species of seagrass in Satsunan Islands and adjacent waters (Kagoshima Pref...
The studies of the marine algae in deep sea by dredging have been made by the writer in the Southwes...
The research of the marine benthic flora was carried out in 2005 in the inner part of Amursky Bay (P...
In the west coast of Nagasaki Prefecture, many phycologists have collected the algae, but the algal ...
A total of 70 benthic marine algal taxa was identified from collections made around Sakurajima Islan...
The algal flora and coastal environment were investigated at 12 stations around the coast of Sugari,...
The algal flora and coastal environments were investigated in May at 10 stations in Haidaura, 1999. ...
Seaweed beds are communities consisting of large benthic plants and distributed widely along Japanes...
This paper deals with a marine algae of additional ones to the algae described by Yamada and Tanaka ...
Preliminary study of benthic marine algae was conducted in Kuchinoerabu Island, an island of norther...
与論島沿岸に分布する海藻類の植生調査を2004年2月13-14日に行って、かつては藻場を形成していた褐藻ホンダワラ属の群落が消滅していることを明らかにし、併せて海水分析を行った。Flora of se...
The sargassaceous algae, with their usual habitat in the sublittoral zone where only infrequent stud...
In the following papers some descriptions have been made of five species among a lot of interesting ...
Preliminary study of benthic marine algae was conducted in Kuchinoerabu Island, an island of norther...
Distribution of thirteen species of seagrass in Satsunan Islands and adjacent waters (Kagoshima Pref...
Distribution of thirteen species of seagrass in Satsunan Islands and adjacent waters (Kagoshima Pref...
The studies of the marine algae in deep sea by dredging have been made by the writer in the Southwes...
The research of the marine benthic flora was carried out in 2005 in the inner part of Amursky Bay (P...
In the west coast of Nagasaki Prefecture, many phycologists have collected the algae, but the algal ...