Animated manga films are a form of manga consumption reflecting strong popular demand for this art form. This essay focuses on cyborg comics whose unique defining feature is the heroes’ self-negation arising from their selfawareness as monsters. Here, taking representative examples, the original comic and its animated version are compared in an effort to highlight the salient differences between manga and anime genres. In the TV animation series Cyborg 009, produced in 1968 at the end of the first anime boom, the heroes were depicted as pure warriors for peace with no reference to their monster nature, which the original manga had stressed. The antiwar message in the animated series was persuasive because peace was considered a universal va...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
When talking about manga, we are typically referring to Japanese comics. The term is often mistaken ...
From the mid-nineteenth century onward, the “hero” as a literary figure has been problematized by th...
Using a semiotic reading of gender codes and Donna Haraway's cyborg theory, this paper is a study of...
This dissertation describes the origins and history of manga (Japanese comics) from 1905-89 as a for...
abstract: In the current age, with media influence spreading through the entire world, formerly isol...
The following contribution examines the influence of mangas and animes on the social perception and ...
Kimetsu no yaiba has attracted attention with regard to transmediality, but it also raises awareness...
2021 is the fiftieth anniversary year for Japanese live-action superhero franchise Kamen Rider. For ...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
This material has been published in The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel edited by Jan Baetens...
The ubiquitous nature of digital technology has had globalization and contents sharing promoted by c...
Abstract: The following contribution examines the influence of mangas and animes on the social perce...
This article addresses the representation of unstable identity in examples of anime. Split identitie...
Japanese animation or “anime” started out as television shows and films for children, but anime has ...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
When talking about manga, we are typically referring to Japanese comics. The term is often mistaken ...
From the mid-nineteenth century onward, the “hero” as a literary figure has been problematized by th...
Using a semiotic reading of gender codes and Donna Haraway's cyborg theory, this paper is a study of...
This dissertation describes the origins and history of manga (Japanese comics) from 1905-89 as a for...
abstract: In the current age, with media influence spreading through the entire world, formerly isol...
The following contribution examines the influence of mangas and animes on the social perception and ...
Kimetsu no yaiba has attracted attention with regard to transmediality, but it also raises awareness...
2021 is the fiftieth anniversary year for Japanese live-action superhero franchise Kamen Rider. For ...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
This material has been published in The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel edited by Jan Baetens...
The ubiquitous nature of digital technology has had globalization and contents sharing promoted by c...
Abstract: The following contribution examines the influence of mangas and animes on the social perce...
This article addresses the representation of unstable identity in examples of anime. Split identitie...
Japanese animation or “anime” started out as television shows and films for children, but anime has ...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
When talking about manga, we are typically referring to Japanese comics. The term is often mistaken ...
From the mid-nineteenth century onward, the “hero” as a literary figure has been problematized by th...