Kā zināms, ik dienu ar neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības dienestu, ģimenes ārsta vai cita speciālista nosūtījumu, vai paši stacionārā ar sūdzībām ierodas pacienti, taču ik gadu šie iemesli mainās- kādas saslimšanas skaists pieaug, kādas samazinās. Ikvienam, jo sevišķi bērnu vecākiem ir svarīgi zināt, kādas tendences ik gadu pieaug, lai zinātu, kam ikdienā pievērst lielāku uzmanību- uzturam, fiziskām aktivitātēm, ikdienas paradumiem vai kam citam. Bakalaura darba tēma: „Bērnu hospitalizācijas iemesli laika periodā no 2012.- 2015. gadam”. Darba mērķis: Iegūt datus par bērnu hospitalizācijas iemesliem laika periodā no 2012. -2015. gadam. Pētījuma jautājums: Kādi ir bērnu hospitalizācijas iemesli laika periodā no 2012. līdz 2015. gadam? Darb...
In many countries, the number of children hospitalized for alcohol intoxication is increasing. This ...
When children are hospitalized they will face a new and unknown environment. Many children experienc...
Araştırma, okul yaş grubu çocukların hastane ve hastalığıyla ilgili bilgilendirme durumlarının ve ha...
Bakalaura darba tēma - „Hospitalizācijas iemesli bērniem ar akūtam elpošanas sistēmas saslimšanām”....
Bakalaura darba tēma – Pirmsskolas un skolas vecuma bērnu reakcija uz hospitalizāciju. Tēmas aktuali...
The need is the manifestation of absence, lack of something or infringement of internal balance and ...
Bakgrund: Ett barns sjukhusvistelse är traumatiskt och förenat med lidande hos såväl barn som föräld...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti demografska i klinička obilježja djece liječene na Kl...
CONTEXT: At the hospitals level, a large volume of resources is consumed, and efficient allocation o...
Background: Every year approximately 10 000 children and adolescents are given care at the hospital....
Introduction: Due to epidemiological change, interest in complex chronic conditions has been increas...
Disease is a very burdensome and unfavorable situation for every person in his life, which, in some ...
Úvod: Děti jsou jedinečnými uživateli služeb zdravotní péče. V souvislosti s vývojem, který děti uzn...
Çocuk, ailenin devamlılığını sağlar ve ana babanın yaşamına anlam verir. Hastalık ise, gelişen her ...
The hospitalizations of 1,239 patients aged 14 years or less and immigrated from extra-European Unio...
In many countries, the number of children hospitalized for alcohol intoxication is increasing. This ...
When children are hospitalized they will face a new and unknown environment. Many children experienc...
Araştırma, okul yaş grubu çocukların hastane ve hastalığıyla ilgili bilgilendirme durumlarının ve ha...
Bakalaura darba tēma - „Hospitalizācijas iemesli bērniem ar akūtam elpošanas sistēmas saslimšanām”....
Bakalaura darba tēma – Pirmsskolas un skolas vecuma bērnu reakcija uz hospitalizāciju. Tēmas aktuali...
The need is the manifestation of absence, lack of something or infringement of internal balance and ...
Bakgrund: Ett barns sjukhusvistelse är traumatiskt och förenat med lidande hos såväl barn som föräld...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti demografska i klinička obilježja djece liječene na Kl...
CONTEXT: At the hospitals level, a large volume of resources is consumed, and efficient allocation o...
Background: Every year approximately 10 000 children and adolescents are given care at the hospital....
Introduction: Due to epidemiological change, interest in complex chronic conditions has been increas...
Disease is a very burdensome and unfavorable situation for every person in his life, which, in some ...
Úvod: Děti jsou jedinečnými uživateli služeb zdravotní péče. V souvislosti s vývojem, který děti uzn...
Çocuk, ailenin devamlılığını sağlar ve ana babanın yaşamına anlam verir. Hastalık ise, gelişen her ...
The hospitalizations of 1,239 patients aged 14 years or less and immigrated from extra-European Unio...
In many countries, the number of children hospitalized for alcohol intoxication is increasing. This ...
When children are hospitalized they will face a new and unknown environment. Many children experienc...
Araştırma, okul yaş grubu çocukların hastane ve hastalığıyla ilgili bilgilendirme durumlarının ve ha...