Maģistra darbā “Guanxi kā sociālais kapitāls un tā nozīme biznesa vadīšanā” tiek izpētīta ķīniešu kultūras elementa guanxi saistība ar sociāla kapitāla jēdzienu un tā ietekme uz ārzemju uzņēmumu iespējām un panākumiem, veicot darbību Ķīnas tirgū. Darba mērķis ir sasaistīt guanxi ar sociālā kapitāla jēdzienu un novērtēt, vai rietumu mentalitātes cilvēkam pietiek spēju kvalitatīvi darboties Ķīnas tirgus apstākļos. Darba pirmajā daļā tiek detalizēti izpētīts un izvērtēts sociālais kapitāls, otrajā – izpētīts ķīniešu kultūras elements guanxi un analizēta tā saistība ar sociālo kapitālu, un trešajā daļā – pētīti Latvijas iedzīvotāju un uzņēmumu pārstāvju, kuri darbojas vai vēlas ienākt Ķīnas Tautas Republikas tirgū, priekšstati par guanxi kult...
Guanxi are easily confused with Social Capital. The concepts, methods and theories of western sociol...
Korupce se dnes řadí mezi velmi aktuální témata, obzvláště v souvislosti s Čínou, neboť má v každé z...
AbstraktPraca przedstawia dwa kluczowe zjawiska dla kręgu kultury chińskiej jakimi są guanxi, czyli ...
This qualitative study seeks to provide an understanding of guanxi as the Eastern social capital in ...
The notion of guanxi has caught attentions from a large number of scholars. It is viewed as a social...
Abstract: Problem statement: The study aims to offer a discussion on social capital and guanxi, in o...
The People’s Republic of China has now been a popular target of foreign investments for years as its...
Social capital is thought to play an economic role in the labour market. It may be particularly pert...
In his dissertation Matti Nojonen explores the complexities of guanxi, interpersonal relationships, ...
Guanxi plays an important role in Chinese entrepreneurial networking activities, especially for micr...
Social capital is considered to play an economic role in labour markets. It may be particularly pert...
Western theoretical traditions can benefit from systematic engagement with non-Western concepts: Thi...
Social capital has emerged as a promising theoretical approach to understanding political influence ...
This working paper analyzes the role played by two dimensions of entrepreneurs’ private social capit...
Purpose: To explore perceptions of guanxi within Swedish establishments in China, and how these perc...
Guanxi are easily confused with Social Capital. The concepts, methods and theories of western sociol...
Korupce se dnes řadí mezi velmi aktuální témata, obzvláště v souvislosti s Čínou, neboť má v každé z...
AbstraktPraca przedstawia dwa kluczowe zjawiska dla kręgu kultury chińskiej jakimi są guanxi, czyli ...
This qualitative study seeks to provide an understanding of guanxi as the Eastern social capital in ...
The notion of guanxi has caught attentions from a large number of scholars. It is viewed as a social...
Abstract: Problem statement: The study aims to offer a discussion on social capital and guanxi, in o...
The People’s Republic of China has now been a popular target of foreign investments for years as its...
Social capital is thought to play an economic role in the labour market. It may be particularly pert...
In his dissertation Matti Nojonen explores the complexities of guanxi, interpersonal relationships, ...
Guanxi plays an important role in Chinese entrepreneurial networking activities, especially for micr...
Social capital is considered to play an economic role in labour markets. It may be particularly pert...
Western theoretical traditions can benefit from systematic engagement with non-Western concepts: Thi...
Social capital has emerged as a promising theoretical approach to understanding political influence ...
This working paper analyzes the role played by two dimensions of entrepreneurs’ private social capit...
Purpose: To explore perceptions of guanxi within Swedish establishments in China, and how these perc...
Guanxi are easily confused with Social Capital. The concepts, methods and theories of western sociol...
Korupce se dnes řadí mezi velmi aktuální témata, obzvláště v souvislosti s Čínou, neboť má v každé z...
AbstraktPraca przedstawia dwa kluczowe zjawiska dla kręgu kultury chińskiej jakimi są guanxi, czyli ...