Programmatūras izstrādes uzņēmumi arvien biežāk piesaista ārzonas resursus un ārpakalpojumus, ar mērķi iegūt ārzonas piedāvātos labumus, piemēram, lētāku darba spēku. Tomēr ne visi ārzonā piedāvātie labumi ir jāuztver kā pašsaprotami. Dotajā maģistra darbā ir paredzēts fiksēt, kādas ir programmatūras kvalitātes atšķirības starp izstrādātāju grupām un kas palīdz izstrādātāju grupām uzturēt programmatūras kvalitāti. Pētījumā ir veikta liela ģeogrāfiski sadalīta telekomunikāciju projekta situācijas izpēte. Iegūtie profesionālapskašu rezultāti norāda uz pirmsizlaides programmatūras kvalitātes problēmām izstrādātāju grupu starpā, it īpaši laikietilpīgos un sarežģītos uzdevumos. Pirmsizlaides programmatūras kvalitāte tiek nodrošināta pamatā ar ie...
The main objective of this thesis is to identify how the software repository features influence soft...
Distributed software development is pervasive in the software industry as companies vie to leverage ...
Software quality is an important factor of a large and complex software system. Hence, there is a ne...
Context: Offshore outsourcing collaborations can result in distributed development, which has been l...
Context: The existing body of knowledge falls short of providing comprehensive empirical evidence on...
Context: There is an overwhelming prevalence of companies developing software in global software dev...
Darbā aplūkots kvalitātes kontroles jēdziens informācijas tehnoloģiju nozarē un klientu atbalsta spe...
Maģistra darba galvenais mērķis ir nodrošināt programmatūras kvalitāti hipotētiskā Java projektā no ...
Dispersion of resources between remote software development centers has been widely noted to decreas...
Maģistra darba temats ir „Programmatūras kvalitātes uzlabošana projektā „A””. Darba mērķis ir izpētī...
Software is becoming more and more embedded in business, and at the same time becoming more and more...
A major problem when using software platforms to produce a variety of products relates to keeping a ...
In the light of globalization it is not uncommon that different teams from different locations get i...
The purpose of this thesis is to research a way to measure quality attributes of software and find m...
Kakovost produkta je pomemben faktor pri razvoju programske opreme. Da bi lahko natančno ovrednotili...
The main objective of this thesis is to identify how the software repository features influence soft...
Distributed software development is pervasive in the software industry as companies vie to leverage ...
Software quality is an important factor of a large and complex software system. Hence, there is a ne...
Context: Offshore outsourcing collaborations can result in distributed development, which has been l...
Context: The existing body of knowledge falls short of providing comprehensive empirical evidence on...
Context: There is an overwhelming prevalence of companies developing software in global software dev...
Darbā aplūkots kvalitātes kontroles jēdziens informācijas tehnoloģiju nozarē un klientu atbalsta spe...
Maģistra darba galvenais mērķis ir nodrošināt programmatūras kvalitāti hipotētiskā Java projektā no ...
Dispersion of resources between remote software development centers has been widely noted to decreas...
Maģistra darba temats ir „Programmatūras kvalitātes uzlabošana projektā „A””. Darba mērķis ir izpētī...
Software is becoming more and more embedded in business, and at the same time becoming more and more...
A major problem when using software platforms to produce a variety of products relates to keeping a ...
In the light of globalization it is not uncommon that different teams from different locations get i...
The purpose of this thesis is to research a way to measure quality attributes of software and find m...
Kakovost produkta je pomemben faktor pri razvoju programske opreme. Da bi lahko natančno ovrednotili...
The main objective of this thesis is to identify how the software repository features influence soft...
Distributed software development is pervasive in the software industry as companies vie to leverage ...
Software quality is an important factor of a large and complex software system. Hence, there is a ne...