Mikroorganismu imobilizācija ir viens no risinājumiem, lai uzlabotu to dzīvotspēju. Darbā pētīta baktēriju asociācijas imobilizēšana algināta gelā tās ilgstošai uzglabāšanai. Pētīta māla, glicerīna un kapsulu inkubēšanas ietekme uz baktēriju skaitu un dzīvotspēju. Kapsulas uzglabātas 4 un 20 oC temperatūrā, pievienojot ūdeni vai CaCl2 šķīdumu. Konstatēts, ka mālu piedeva sekmē baktēriju dzīvotspējas saglabāšanos. Kapsulu inkubēšana palielināja KVV/g kapsulu apmēram trīs reizes. Netika konstatēta glicerīna un CaCl2 ietekme. Labāk dzīvotspēju saglabāja baktērijas kapsulās, uzglabājot tās 20 oC temperatūrā. Papildus jau zināmajām baktēriju asociācijas sugām – Acinetobacter sp. un Burkholderia cepacia – identificētas vēl piecas. Ņemot vērā šo b...
The immobilized bacteria on sodium alginate have some advantages: survivability of cells, strengthen...
Lactobacillus acidophilus, a probiotic bacterium, is important bacteria for establishing a balanced ...
This publication contains a short description of the immobilization process. The advantages and disa...
Bakterijska vrsta Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, koja pripada skupini bakterija mliječne kiseline (B...
This bachelor thesis focuses on Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria that can be used as a suitable ...
The goal of this bachelor thesis was both to review existing literature regarding the topic of inocu...
Thanks to the beneficial properties of probiotic bacteria, there exists an immense demand for their ...
Free cells and Ca-alginate encapsulated cells of Aeromonas hydrophila MFB03 removed in shake flasks ...
This bachelor thesis is focused on encapsulation of two strains of probiotic bacteria. Lactic acid b...
Emulsification/internal gelation is an encapsulation technique with great potential for protection o...
Lactobacillus casei Lc01 and Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb02 were loaded in 2%-alginate beads and store...
The consumption of probiotics is constantly growing due to the numerous benefits conferred on the he...
Hepatotoksyczne mikrocystyny produkowane przez różne gatunki sinic stanowią istotne zagrożenie dla z...
Stale rosnąca oporność bakterii, związana z możliwością tworzenia przez nie wielokomórkowych społecz...
Emulsification/internal gelation is an encapsulation method showing great potential to confer protec...
The immobilized bacteria on sodium alginate have some advantages: survivability of cells, strengthen...
Lactobacillus acidophilus, a probiotic bacterium, is important bacteria for establishing a balanced ...
This publication contains a short description of the immobilization process. The advantages and disa...
Bakterijska vrsta Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, koja pripada skupini bakterija mliječne kiseline (B...
This bachelor thesis focuses on Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria that can be used as a suitable ...
The goal of this bachelor thesis was both to review existing literature regarding the topic of inocu...
Thanks to the beneficial properties of probiotic bacteria, there exists an immense demand for their ...
Free cells and Ca-alginate encapsulated cells of Aeromonas hydrophila MFB03 removed in shake flasks ...
This bachelor thesis is focused on encapsulation of two strains of probiotic bacteria. Lactic acid b...
Emulsification/internal gelation is an encapsulation technique with great potential for protection o...
Lactobacillus casei Lc01 and Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb02 were loaded in 2%-alginate beads and store...
The consumption of probiotics is constantly growing due to the numerous benefits conferred on the he...
Hepatotoksyczne mikrocystyny produkowane przez różne gatunki sinic stanowią istotne zagrożenie dla z...
Stale rosnąca oporność bakterii, związana z możliwością tworzenia przez nie wielokomórkowych społecz...
Emulsification/internal gelation is an encapsulation method showing great potential to confer protec...
The immobilized bacteria on sodium alginate have some advantages: survivability of cells, strengthen...
Lactobacillus acidophilus, a probiotic bacterium, is important bacteria for establishing a balanced ...
This publication contains a short description of the immobilization process. The advantages and disa...