Maģistra darba nosaukums ir Tunisijas un Ēģiptes tirdzniecības attiecības ar ES Eiropas kaimiņattiecību politikas ietvaros. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kā caur EKP ietekmi mainījušās starptautiskās tirdzniecības attīstības tendences Tunisijai un Ēģiptei ar ES un, pamatojoties uz gūtajiem rezultātiem, izanalizēt, kura no valstīm uzrādījusi labākus rezultātus tirdzniecības attiecību jomā. Darbā tiek pētīts, kā ES regulē tirdzniecības attiecību veidošanu ar Tunisiju un Ēģipti, demokrātijas un liberālisma reformu, kā arī tirdzniecības attiecību elementiem mijiedarbojoties. Pētījuma rezultātā izdarīti secinājumi par to, kā EKP un tās ietvaros piešķirtais finansējums ietekmējis labāku tirdzniecības jomas attīstības progresu Tunisijā salīdzinājumā ar...
Tunisia’s 'Association Agreement' with the European Union (EU) will remove trade barriers on a large...
In fact The EU is the most important trading partner for the Mediterranean countries accounting for ...
Since its inception after World War II, the European Community has consistently promoted the values ...
Bakalářská práce se zabývá Evropskou politikou sousedství ve vztahu k Tunisku, se zaměřením na analý...
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na bilaterální hospodářské vztahy mezi Francií a Tuniskem. Hlavním cíle...
The thesis "Trade relations of the EU with the countries involved in the European Neighbourhood Poli...
Polityka zagraniczna stanowi podstawowy instrument realizacji zarówno interesów państw, jak i organi...
Europa ir Afrika – du skirtingi kontinentai, turintys skirtingą kultūrą, klimatą ir politinį, social...
How fast is Tunisia's economy growing? How was its economy affected by the 'Arab Spring' events? How...
Tunisia and Egypt are two very different situations due to economic and geopolitical reasons. Egypt ...
From introduction: "Economic and trade relations between the EU and the neighboring Southern Mediter...
2010 sonrasında Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu’da demokratikleşme çabaları Arap Baharı formunda yükselirke...
W pracy pod tytułem Polityka Unii Europejskiej wobec wybranych państwa Afryki Północnej, przedstawio...
Avrupa Komşuluk Politikası, amacı AB'nin doğusunda ve güneyinde bulunan ülkelerin AB ile bağlarını g...
Oppgaven undersøker EU sine relasjoner til Tunisia og Libya i perioden 2014 til 2020. Det for å se o...
Tunisia’s 'Association Agreement' with the European Union (EU) will remove trade barriers on a large...
In fact The EU is the most important trading partner for the Mediterranean countries accounting for ...
Since its inception after World War II, the European Community has consistently promoted the values ...
Bakalářská práce se zabývá Evropskou politikou sousedství ve vztahu k Tunisku, se zaměřením na analý...
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na bilaterální hospodářské vztahy mezi Francií a Tuniskem. Hlavním cíle...
The thesis "Trade relations of the EU with the countries involved in the European Neighbourhood Poli...
Polityka zagraniczna stanowi podstawowy instrument realizacji zarówno interesów państw, jak i organi...
Europa ir Afrika – du skirtingi kontinentai, turintys skirtingą kultūrą, klimatą ir politinį, social...
How fast is Tunisia's economy growing? How was its economy affected by the 'Arab Spring' events? How...
Tunisia and Egypt are two very different situations due to economic and geopolitical reasons. Egypt ...
From introduction: "Economic and trade relations between the EU and the neighboring Southern Mediter...
2010 sonrasında Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu’da demokratikleşme çabaları Arap Baharı formunda yükselirke...
W pracy pod tytułem Polityka Unii Europejskiej wobec wybranych państwa Afryki Północnej, przedstawio...
Avrupa Komşuluk Politikası, amacı AB'nin doğusunda ve güneyinde bulunan ülkelerin AB ile bağlarını g...
Oppgaven undersøker EU sine relasjoner til Tunisia og Libya i perioden 2014 til 2020. Det for å se o...
Tunisia’s 'Association Agreement' with the European Union (EU) will remove trade barriers on a large...
In fact The EU is the most important trading partner for the Mediterranean countries accounting for ...
Since its inception after World War II, the European Community has consistently promoted the values ...