Maģistra darbs veltīts krievu filozofa N.Berdjajeva 1924.gadā sarakstītajam darbam „Jaunie viduslaiki” un šajā darbā pausto ideju aktualitātei mūsdienās. Jauno viduslaiku koncepcija tiek apskatīta N.Berdjajeva vēstures filozofijas, varas metafizikas un citu XIX gs. beigu XX gs. sākuma Krievijas liberālās inteliģences pārstāvju ideju kontekstā. Tiek izpētīta koncepcijas rašanās un recepcija Krievijā. Jauno viduslaiku koncepcijas aktualitāte mūsdienās tiek analizēta galvenokārt saistībā ar Krieviju. Autors aplūko feodālās arhaikas elementu atgriešanos mūsdienu Krievijas sabiedrībā un N.Berdjajeva Jaunajiem viduslaikiem tuvo krievu sociologa un filozofa A.Zinovjeva virs-sabiedrības modeli.The Master Paper is devoted to the work „New Middle Age...
Romano Guardini and Nicolaj Berdjaev find in the Middle Ages a political model for contemporary soci...
Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytor...
The article presents an attempt to consider a new religious consciousness with the main support of N...
The author discussed the philosophy of history of Nikolai Berdyaev on the basis of appropriate liter...
This article deals with the anthropological principles of the philosophy of religion which served as...
V první části své bakalářské práce se budeme zabývat příčinami Berďajevova odklonu od marxizmu, souv...
The research aim of this article is to analyze the ideo-political reflections of the publicists anda...
This thesis is focused on a concept of revolution in writings of Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyae...
The dissertation discusses three Russian cultural archetypes: Latitude, Native Land, Travelling, whi...
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami trys rusų nacionalinio pasaulėvaizdzio elementai: Platuma, Gimtoji žemė, K...
Rus düşüncesi temelde eskatolojik problemlere yönelmiş düşünce olmaklabirlikte ahiret inancıyla boya...
The article shows the principles of K. Jaspers's concept of "axial age" that were stressed and devel...
Anglická anotace The Concept of Freedom of Nikolai Berdyaev The present work focuses on the concept ...
This paper is a contribution to the constantly increasing Polish interest in Russian thought, especi...
Nors Nikolajus Berdiajevas buvo pripažintas tarptautiniu mastu , jis kaip filosofas Vakaruose jautės...
Romano Guardini and Nicolaj Berdjaev find in the Middle Ages a political model for contemporary soci...
Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytor...
The article presents an attempt to consider a new religious consciousness with the main support of N...
The author discussed the philosophy of history of Nikolai Berdyaev on the basis of appropriate liter...
This article deals with the anthropological principles of the philosophy of religion which served as...
V první části své bakalářské práce se budeme zabývat příčinami Berďajevova odklonu od marxizmu, souv...
The research aim of this article is to analyze the ideo-political reflections of the publicists anda...
This thesis is focused on a concept of revolution in writings of Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyae...
The dissertation discusses three Russian cultural archetypes: Latitude, Native Land, Travelling, whi...
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami trys rusų nacionalinio pasaulėvaizdzio elementai: Platuma, Gimtoji žemė, K...
Rus düşüncesi temelde eskatolojik problemlere yönelmiş düşünce olmaklabirlikte ahiret inancıyla boya...
The article shows the principles of K. Jaspers's concept of "axial age" that were stressed and devel...
Anglická anotace The Concept of Freedom of Nikolai Berdyaev The present work focuses on the concept ...
This paper is a contribution to the constantly increasing Polish interest in Russian thought, especi...
Nors Nikolajus Berdiajevas buvo pripažintas tarptautiniu mastu , jis kaip filosofas Vakaruose jautės...
Romano Guardini and Nicolaj Berdjaev find in the Middle Ages a political model for contemporary soci...
Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytor...
The article presents an attempt to consider a new religious consciousness with the main support of N...