Mūsdienās arvien lielāku popularitāti gūst neparametriskās statistikas metodes. Viena no šādām plaši izmantotajām metodēm ir empīriskās ticamības metode (EL). To kombinējot ar džeknaifa pseido vērtībām, iegūst džeknaifa empīrisko ticamības metodi (JEL). Šī darba mērķis ir pētīt JEL metodes izmantošanas iespējas normalizēto parciālo laukumu zem ROC līknes (AUC) novērtēšanā. Izmantojot šo metodi, tika konstruēti ticamības intervāli gan vienam normalizētajam parciālajam AUC, gan laukumu starpībai. Darba gaitā tika veiktas arī simulācijas, kas parādīja, ka džeknaifa empīriskās ticamības metode strādā ievērojami labāk par normālās aproksimācijas metodi, kā arī tika apskatīts metodes pielietojums reāliem datiem.The popularity and the usage of no...
Interval estimation of the ROC curve is considered using the empirical likelihood techniques. Sugges...
In this dissertation, we investigate jackknife empirical likelihood methods motivated by recent stat...
Empirical likelihood for general estimating equations is a method for testing hypothesis or construc...
Darba tēma ir Jackknife empīriskās ticamības metode un tās pielietojums U - statistikām. Parastā emp...
AbstractIn this paper we propose a smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood method to construct confi...
In this paper we propose a smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood method to construct confidence in...
The partial area under the ROC curve (partial AUC) summarizes the accuracy of a diagnostic or screen...
The partial area under the ROC curve (partial AUC) summarizes the accuracy of a diagnostic or screen...
Following an idea by Jing et al. (2005), this paper combines the empirical likelihood for the mean f...
U-statistics generalizes the concept of mean of independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) random ...
Nonparametric statistical inference methods have become very popular in recent years and are the pre...
Pietra ratio (Pietra index), also known as Robin Hood index, Schutz coefficient (Ricci-Schutz index)...
In statistics it is of interest to find a better interval estimator of the absolute mean deviation. ...
In statistics it is of interest to find a better interval estimator of the absolute mean deviation. ...
Bieži vien praksē sastopamajām datu kopām ir ļoti grūti noteikt sadalījuma likumu un tam var būt vis...
Interval estimation of the ROC curve is considered using the empirical likelihood techniques. Sugges...
In this dissertation, we investigate jackknife empirical likelihood methods motivated by recent stat...
Empirical likelihood for general estimating equations is a method for testing hypothesis or construc...
Darba tēma ir Jackknife empīriskās ticamības metode un tās pielietojums U - statistikām. Parastā emp...
AbstractIn this paper we propose a smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood method to construct confi...
In this paper we propose a smoothed jackknife empirical likelihood method to construct confidence in...
The partial area under the ROC curve (partial AUC) summarizes the accuracy of a diagnostic or screen...
The partial area under the ROC curve (partial AUC) summarizes the accuracy of a diagnostic or screen...
Following an idea by Jing et al. (2005), this paper combines the empirical likelihood for the mean f...
U-statistics generalizes the concept of mean of independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) random ...
Nonparametric statistical inference methods have become very popular in recent years and are the pre...
Pietra ratio (Pietra index), also known as Robin Hood index, Schutz coefficient (Ricci-Schutz index)...
In statistics it is of interest to find a better interval estimator of the absolute mean deviation. ...
In statistics it is of interest to find a better interval estimator of the absolute mean deviation. ...
Bieži vien praksē sastopamajām datu kopām ir ļoti grūti noteikt sadalījuma likumu un tam var būt vis...
Interval estimation of the ROC curve is considered using the empirical likelihood techniques. Sugges...
In this dissertation, we investigate jackknife empirical likelihood methods motivated by recent stat...
Empirical likelihood for general estimating equations is a method for testing hypothesis or construc...