Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Jūrmalas mūzikas pasākumu ietekme uz vietējo tūrismu (2010- 2015)”. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, kā mūzikas pasākumi ietekmē vietējā tūrisma attīstību Jūrmalā. Darbs sastāv no teorētiskās, metodoloģiskās un empīriskās daļas. Teorētiskajā daļā aprakstīta teorija par komunikācijas un pilsētas mārketings, pilsētas zīmols un pasākumu vēsture un tūrisms. Pētījumā izmantotas 3 pētnieciskās metodes - aptaujas anketa, strukturētā un daļēji strukturētā intervija.Bachelor's theme is “The influence of music events in Jurmala on local tourism (2010-2015)”. The objective of the work is to find out how music affects local events tourism development in Jurmala. The work consists of theoretical, methodological and empirical parts...
The object: festival as a means to encourage the return of emigrants. Research question arises: are ...
Urban music festivals play an important role in tourism. Festival tourism attracts fans and event pa...
In this chapter, the authors describe the concept of cultural tourism using an example of event tour...
The main subject of this thesis was to evaluate and assess the importance and impact of internationa...
Definiranje pojmova poput što je turizam i tko je posjetilje, odnosno turist za shvaćanje osnovih od...
Istraživački problem završnog rada odnosi se na utjecaj glazbenih festivala na turizam Republike Hrv...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kādas ir mūzikas festivāla izveides iespējas Kuldīgā un ar ko ir ...
Istraživački problem završnog rada odnosi se na utjecaj glazbenih festivala na turizam Hrvatske. S t...
Organizacija glazbenih festivala u turističkoj destinaciji dovela je do stvaranja novog, specifičnog...
U današnje vrijeme, zahvaljujući boljem životnom standardu i slobodnom vremenu, ljudi, tj turisti im...
Organiziranje glazbenih festivala u turističkim destinacijama dovelo je do stvaranja novih oblika tu...
U radu govorimo o glazbenim dogaĊanjima u funkciji privlaĉenja turista iz zemalja njemaĉkoga govorno...
Dolgozatomban a Bartók Béla Nemzetközi Kórusverseny és Folklórfesztivál turisztikai hatásainak vizsg...
A fesztiválturizmus Magyarországon. A Campus és a Hegyalja Fesztivál összehasonlítása. A két fesztiv...
The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of mass-attended cultural events in the l...
The object: festival as a means to encourage the return of emigrants. Research question arises: are ...
Urban music festivals play an important role in tourism. Festival tourism attracts fans and event pa...
In this chapter, the authors describe the concept of cultural tourism using an example of event tour...
The main subject of this thesis was to evaluate and assess the importance and impact of internationa...
Definiranje pojmova poput što je turizam i tko je posjetilje, odnosno turist za shvaćanje osnovih od...
Istraživački problem završnog rada odnosi se na utjecaj glazbenih festivala na turizam Republike Hrv...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kādas ir mūzikas festivāla izveides iespējas Kuldīgā un ar ko ir ...
Istraživački problem završnog rada odnosi se na utjecaj glazbenih festivala na turizam Hrvatske. S t...
Organizacija glazbenih festivala u turističkoj destinaciji dovela je do stvaranja novog, specifičnog...
U današnje vrijeme, zahvaljujući boljem životnom standardu i slobodnom vremenu, ljudi, tj turisti im...
Organiziranje glazbenih festivala u turističkim destinacijama dovelo je do stvaranja novih oblika tu...
U radu govorimo o glazbenim dogaĊanjima u funkciji privlaĉenja turista iz zemalja njemaĉkoga govorno...
Dolgozatomban a Bartók Béla Nemzetközi Kórusverseny és Folklórfesztivál turisztikai hatásainak vizsg...
A fesztiválturizmus Magyarországon. A Campus és a Hegyalja Fesztivál összehasonlítása. A két fesztiv...
The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of mass-attended cultural events in the l...
The object: festival as a means to encourage the return of emigrants. Research question arises: are ...
Urban music festivals play an important role in tourism. Festival tourism attracts fans and event pa...
In this chapter, the authors describe the concept of cultural tourism using an example of event tour...