Parki un alejas mūsdienās ir kļuvuši par nozīmīgu biotopu daudzu apdraudētu saproksilofāgo vaboļu sugu saglabāšanai. Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt dažāda mēroga ekoloģisko faktoru ietekmi uz platlapju dobumus apdzīvojošo saproksilofāgo vaboļu daudzveidību un izplatību divu platlapju kokiem bagātu Latvijas reģionu parkos un alejās. Darba ietvaros veicu atsevišķu koku faunas izpēti ar Bārbera lamatām, kā arī izvērtēju muižu apstādījumu kā potenciālo lapkoku praulgrauža dzīvotņu kvalitāti. Konstatēju, ka lielāka saproksilofāgo vaboļu daudzveidība ir lapkoku praulgrauža apdzīvotos kokos un sausos dobumos ar vertikālu atveri. Secināju, ka Unguros ir iespējama perspektīva lapkoku praulgrauža dzīvotne.Parks and avenues have become important...
This thesis starts with a review of different biodiversity assessment methods in forests and the res...
The study focuses on communities of saproxylic beetles at twelve experimental small-size clearings c...
The aim of the research presented in this paper was to assess the state of trees’ health in ro...
Lapkoku praulgrauzis īpaši aizsargājama suga un indikators lielai saproksilo bezmugurkaulnieku daudz...
Hermit beetle Osmoderma barnabita is a species of beetle protected in Latvia and Europe. In accordan...
This paper aims at giving a summary of recent research on the habitat requirements and population st...
A study was carried out in two parks, Perivoj kralja Tomislava and Perivoj kralja Petra Krešimira IV...
Many species associated with old trees are threatened, as this habitat has decreased severely in Eur...
The thesis consists of two studies contributing to knowledge about the ecology of two model saproxyl...
Abstract Urban parks can harbour small populations of saproxylic insects of high conservation conce...
Old hollow trees have declined in Europe and many saproxylic (wood-dwelling) beetles dependent on th...
Fragmentation of habitats is a great threat to biodiversity. An especially vulnerable species group ...
Zajednice trčaka u mezofilnim bukovim šumama, uzorkovane su tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2008. godine...
The endangered and specialised saproxylic beetle Osmoderma eremita occurs in veteran trees, a habita...
Saproxylic beetle diversity is high at the Cabañeros National Park (central Spain), where woodland h...
This thesis starts with a review of different biodiversity assessment methods in forests and the res...
The study focuses on communities of saproxylic beetles at twelve experimental small-size clearings c...
The aim of the research presented in this paper was to assess the state of trees’ health in ro...
Lapkoku praulgrauzis īpaši aizsargājama suga un indikators lielai saproksilo bezmugurkaulnieku daudz...
Hermit beetle Osmoderma barnabita is a species of beetle protected in Latvia and Europe. In accordan...
This paper aims at giving a summary of recent research on the habitat requirements and population st...
A study was carried out in two parks, Perivoj kralja Tomislava and Perivoj kralja Petra Krešimira IV...
Many species associated with old trees are threatened, as this habitat has decreased severely in Eur...
The thesis consists of two studies contributing to knowledge about the ecology of two model saproxyl...
Abstract Urban parks can harbour small populations of saproxylic insects of high conservation conce...
Old hollow trees have declined in Europe and many saproxylic (wood-dwelling) beetles dependent on th...
Fragmentation of habitats is a great threat to biodiversity. An especially vulnerable species group ...
Zajednice trčaka u mezofilnim bukovim šumama, uzorkovane su tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2008. godine...
The endangered and specialised saproxylic beetle Osmoderma eremita occurs in veteran trees, a habita...
Saproxylic beetle diversity is high at the Cabañeros National Park (central Spain), where woodland h...
This thesis starts with a review of different biodiversity assessment methods in forests and the res...
The study focuses on communities of saproxylic beetles at twelve experimental small-size clearings c...
The aim of the research presented in this paper was to assess the state of trees’ health in ro...