Bakalura darba tēma ir „Mutvārdu saskarsmes iemaņu veidošana bibliotekāriem un informācijas darba speciālistiem”. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, kādas ir nepieciešamās mutvārdu saskarsmes iemaņas bibliotekāriem un informācijas darba speciālistiem. Bibliotekāri bieži vien neprot izteikties, jo viņiem nav vajadzīgo zināšanu mutvārdu komunikācijā, tādēļ bibliotēkas apmeklētāji atsakās jautāt, balstoties uz negatīvo pieredzi. Otra aktuāla problēma ir stereotipizācija, iesakņojušies stereotipi par bibliotekāra darbu, kas kavē bibliotekāru un lietotāju komunikācijas procesus. Atslēgvārdi: saskarsme, verbālā komunikācija, bibliotēku informācijas speciālists.The topic of this paper is „Verbal Communication Skills Development for Librarians and Info...
The present paper attempts to study the importance of communication skill inlibrary professionals as...
Library is a tool that has a wide range of information. As aservice of information, communi...
This discourse is woven round a basic fact of life today: a world that is propelled by the quest for...
Ovaj rad daje prikaz komunikacijskih znanja i vještina potrebnih za provedbu kvalitetne komunikacije...
Ovaj rad daje prikaz komunikacijskih znanja i vještina potrebnih za provedbu kvalitetne komunikacije...
Ovaj rad daje prikaz komunikacijskih znanja i vještina potrebnih za provedbu kvalitetne komunikacije...
Purpose: This research aimed to study the status of communication skills of librarians and effective...
The main aim of this survey was to assess the status of librarians\u27 communication skills in publi...
The main aim of this survey was to assess the status of librarians\u27 communication skills in publi...
Communication competence is critical in the development of libraries, especially in improving its se...
Tehnoloģiju ieviešana bibliotēkās ir būtiski mainījusi dažādus bibliotēkas darba procesus, tādā veid...
Excellent communication skills are essential in any service organization but especially so in librar...
Komunikacijske vještine spadaju u temeljne vještine knjižničara, posebice onih koji rade u korisničk...
Paprastai svarbiausiu bendravimo tarp žmonių būdu laikomas kalbinis bendravimas. Tiriant kalbinio be...
Komunikacijske vještine spadaju u temeljne vještine knjižničara, posebice onih koji rade u korisničk...
The present paper attempts to study the importance of communication skill inlibrary professionals as...
Library is a tool that has a wide range of information. As aservice of information, communi...
This discourse is woven round a basic fact of life today: a world that is propelled by the quest for...
Ovaj rad daje prikaz komunikacijskih znanja i vještina potrebnih za provedbu kvalitetne komunikacije...
Ovaj rad daje prikaz komunikacijskih znanja i vještina potrebnih za provedbu kvalitetne komunikacije...
Ovaj rad daje prikaz komunikacijskih znanja i vještina potrebnih za provedbu kvalitetne komunikacije...
Purpose: This research aimed to study the status of communication skills of librarians and effective...
The main aim of this survey was to assess the status of librarians\u27 communication skills in publi...
The main aim of this survey was to assess the status of librarians\u27 communication skills in publi...
Communication competence is critical in the development of libraries, especially in improving its se...
Tehnoloģiju ieviešana bibliotēkās ir būtiski mainījusi dažādus bibliotēkas darba procesus, tādā veid...
Excellent communication skills are essential in any service organization but especially so in librar...
Komunikacijske vještine spadaju u temeljne vještine knjižničara, posebice onih koji rade u korisničk...
Paprastai svarbiausiu bendravimo tarp žmonių būdu laikomas kalbinis bendravimas. Tiriant kalbinio be...
Komunikacijske vještine spadaju u temeljne vještine knjižničara, posebice onih koji rade u korisničk...
The present paper attempts to study the importance of communication skill inlibrary professionals as...
Library is a tool that has a wide range of information. As aservice of information, communi...
This discourse is woven round a basic fact of life today: a world that is propelled by the quest for...