Mērķis: Diplomdarba mērķis ir novērtēt klīniskos, radioloģiskos un prognostiskos faktorus pacientiem ar spontānu smadzenīšu asinsizplūdumu.Secinājums: Svarīgākais smadzenīšu asinsizplūduma riska faktors bija hipertensija. Galvassāpes, slikta dūša un reibonis bija visbiežāk atzīmētas sūdzības, taču tās ir nespecifiskas un mazvērtīgas diferenciālajā diagnostikā. Vairums no pētītas grupas bija hroniski slimojoši pacienti. Indikācijas ķirurģiskai hematomas evakuācijai bija: vecums (≤ 80 gadi), GKS 4cm. Okluzīvā hidrocefālija samazināja hematomas izmērus līdz 3 cm. Labvēlīgs iznākums bija saistīts ar vieglāku slimības gaitu un augstāko GKS balli. Nelabvēlīgs iznākums bija saistīts ar aspirācijas pneimonijas attīstību un intraventrikulāro asiņoš...
The importance of coagulation, hematology, and biochemical variables have been investigated in the s...
OBJECTIVE: Objectıve: To assess the risk factors in patients with history of spontaneous intracerebr...
Objective: Spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage (SCH) is less common than supratentorial intracerebral ...
Clinical data of 102 patients with spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage were retrospectively analysed. ...
A retrospective study of 75 consecutive cases of spontaneous cerebellar haemorrhage was undertaken i...
Spontānas intracerebrālas hematomas sastāda 15% no visiem insultiem pieaugušo vecumā, bet šīs patalo...
Orientador: Yvens Barbosa FernandesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Facul...
The mortality rate of cerebellar hemorrhage (CH) is generally higher than other types of intracrania...
The mortality rate of cerebellar hemorrhage (CH) is generally higher than other types of intracrania...
Spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage was rarely diagnosed in the past and therefore thought to be infre...
Introduction: The management of spontaneous intracerebellar hemorrhage has always been a challenge f...
This Ph.D. thesis, ‘Spontaneous cerebellar intracerebral haemorrhage: treatment and long-term outcom...
Cerebellar hemorrhage is the least common type of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) encountered in clini...
Background: The spontaneous hyperventilation (SHV) accompanying spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage ha...
The importance of coagulation, hematology, and biochemical variables have been investigated in the s...
OBJECTIVE: Objectıve: To assess the risk factors in patients with history of spontaneous intracerebr...
Objective: Spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage (SCH) is less common than supratentorial intracerebral ...
Clinical data of 102 patients with spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage were retrospectively analysed. ...
A retrospective study of 75 consecutive cases of spontaneous cerebellar haemorrhage was undertaken i...
Spontānas intracerebrālas hematomas sastāda 15% no visiem insultiem pieaugušo vecumā, bet šīs patalo...
Orientador: Yvens Barbosa FernandesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Facul...
The mortality rate of cerebellar hemorrhage (CH) is generally higher than other types of intracrania...
The mortality rate of cerebellar hemorrhage (CH) is generally higher than other types of intracrania...
Spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage was rarely diagnosed in the past and therefore thought to be infre...
Introduction: The management of spontaneous intracerebellar hemorrhage has always been a challenge f...
This Ph.D. thesis, ‘Spontaneous cerebellar intracerebral haemorrhage: treatment and long-term outcom...
Cerebellar hemorrhage is the least common type of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) encountered in clini...
Background: The spontaneous hyperventilation (SHV) accompanying spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage ha...
The importance of coagulation, hematology, and biochemical variables have been investigated in the s...
OBJECTIVE: Objectıve: To assess the risk factors in patients with history of spontaneous intracerebr...