Nozīmīga loma Indijas vēsturē ir Apvienotajai Karalistei. Ilgu laiku Indija bija tās kolonija. Koloniālā diskursa ietvaros tiek pētītas kolonizatoru un kolnizēto savstarpējās attiecības. Britu galvenais mērķis bija „civilizēt” austrumu valstu iedzīvotājus, kuri tika uzskatīti par barbariskiem un neizglītotiem. Kā rezultātā rietumvalstu pārstāvji sāka interesēties par austrumvalstu iedzīvotājiem un nostiprinājās uzskats, ka kolonizatori ir pārāki par kolonizētajiem iedzīvotājiem. Britu pārākuma sajūta un tieksme restrukturizēt pakļautās teritorijas ir atspoguļota darbā atsaucoties uz Indijas vēsturi. Koloniālās īpatnības ir atspoguļotas arī R. Kiplinga darbos „Kims”, „Vienkārši stāsti no kalniem” un „Džungļu grāmatas”, kuros autors atspoguļo...
This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityRudyard Kipling was...
Bibliography: p. 180-196.The fundamental opposition of certain literary critics is reviewed. It is e...
Said'in söylemiyle Oryantalizm Doğu ve Doğu dünyası hakkında yanlış yansımalar ve mitler tarihsel sü...
Are the writings of Rudyard Kipling Reflections of British Imperialism? If so, do these reflections ...
Les nouvelles coloniales de Kipling et de Maugham mettent en scène, respectivement, la société anglo...
The paper analyses how the writings of Rudyard Kipling mark the tidemark of literary reflection of t...
Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1996A survey of Rudyard Kipling's Indian fiction indic...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest fenomen anglojęzycznej literatury Indii. Przeprowadzona w niej analiza...
Rudyard Kipling has been one of the few British writers born in India whose writing exhibits a range...
Kim, o romance de Rudyard Kipling publicado originalmente em 1901, constituise como objecto fundame...
This study concentrates on the analysis of early works by Rudyard Kipling who was born into the fami...
Kipling’s and Maugham’s short stories respectively stage Anglo-Indian society during the Raj and Eng...
Kipling’s and Maugham’s short stories respectively stage Anglo-Indian society during the Raj and Eng...
This paper aims to discover the representation of colonialism in literary work “The Man Who Would Be...
Students use the Rudyard Kipling poem “Gunga Din” to understand India’s colonial past
This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityRudyard Kipling was...
Bibliography: p. 180-196.The fundamental opposition of certain literary critics is reviewed. It is e...
Said'in söylemiyle Oryantalizm Doğu ve Doğu dünyası hakkında yanlış yansımalar ve mitler tarihsel sü...
Are the writings of Rudyard Kipling Reflections of British Imperialism? If so, do these reflections ...
Les nouvelles coloniales de Kipling et de Maugham mettent en scène, respectivement, la société anglo...
The paper analyses how the writings of Rudyard Kipling mark the tidemark of literary reflection of t...
Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1996A survey of Rudyard Kipling's Indian fiction indic...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest fenomen anglojęzycznej literatury Indii. Przeprowadzona w niej analiza...
Rudyard Kipling has been one of the few British writers born in India whose writing exhibits a range...
Kim, o romance de Rudyard Kipling publicado originalmente em 1901, constituise como objecto fundame...
This study concentrates on the analysis of early works by Rudyard Kipling who was born into the fami...
Kipling’s and Maugham’s short stories respectively stage Anglo-Indian society during the Raj and Eng...
Kipling’s and Maugham’s short stories respectively stage Anglo-Indian society during the Raj and Eng...
This paper aims to discover the representation of colonialism in literary work “The Man Who Would Be...
Students use the Rudyard Kipling poem “Gunga Din” to understand India’s colonial past
This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityRudyard Kipling was...
Bibliography: p. 180-196.The fundamental opposition of certain literary critics is reviewed. It is e...
Said'in söylemiyle Oryantalizm Doğu ve Doğu dünyası hakkında yanlış yansımalar ve mitler tarihsel sü...