Darba mērķis ir izpētīt kuņģa karcinomu klasifikācijas un izvērtēt 2005. gadā RAKUS radikāli operēto pacientu materiālu. Pētījumā ir iekļauti 85 pacienti. Mikroskopiskais materiāls tika pētīts, sadarbojoties ar patologu D.Jančiauskas no Lietuvas. Pēc PVO klasifikācijas 32 (40,5%) gadījumi ir zemu diferencētas karcinomas, 19 (24,1%) gredzenveida, 24 (30,4%) tubulāras, 2 (2,5%) papillāras, 2 (2,5%) mucinozas adenokarciomas. Pēc Laurena klasifikācijas 40 (50,6%) gadījumi ir difūzas, 23 (29,1%) intestinālās, 13 (16,5%) jauktas, 3 (3,8%) neklasificējamas adenokarcinomas. Salīdzinot PVO un Laurena klasifikācijas, 19 (82,6%) gadījumi no tubularām adenokarcinomām ir intestinālā tipa pēc Laurena, 18 (94,7%) gadījumi no gredzenveida šūnu adenokarc...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...
Background: Gastric cancer represents one of the most frequent neoplasias. Although its incidence de...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...
Gastric carcinomas are tumors with high mortality rates, generally unfavorable prognosis and variabl...
Amaç: Erken ve geç evre mide kanserli hastaların klinikopatolojik, demografik özelliklerini karşılaş...
Bacground/aims: Histologic typing is important for estimating tumor progression and outcome of patie...
The cytological diagnosis of gastric cancer has been made rapid progress with the improvement of met...
Darba uzdevums ir savā starpā salīdzināt divas kuņģa vēža ķirurģiskas ārstēšanas metodes – D1 gastre...
The cytological diagnosis of gastric cancer has been made rapid progress with the improvement of met...
The cytological diagnosis of gastric cancer has been made rapid progress with the improvement of met...
A panel review of histologic specimens was carried out as part of a multi-centre case-control study ...
Bu çalışma, 27-30 Mayıs 1990 tarihlerinde İstanbul[Türkiye]'da düzenlenen Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresinde...
Bu çalışma, 27-30 Mayıs 1990 tarihlerinde İstanbul[Türkiye]'da düzenlenen Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresinde...
Anotācija Pētījumā tika analizēti kuņģa vēža pacientu dzīvildzi ietekmējoši riska faktori: komplikāc...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...
Background: Gastric cancer represents one of the most frequent neoplasias. Although its incidence de...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...
Gastric carcinomas are tumors with high mortality rates, generally unfavorable prognosis and variabl...
Amaç: Erken ve geç evre mide kanserli hastaların klinikopatolojik, demografik özelliklerini karşılaş...
Bacground/aims: Histologic typing is important for estimating tumor progression and outcome of patie...
The cytological diagnosis of gastric cancer has been made rapid progress with the improvement of met...
Darba uzdevums ir savā starpā salīdzināt divas kuņģa vēža ķirurģiskas ārstēšanas metodes – D1 gastre...
The cytological diagnosis of gastric cancer has been made rapid progress with the improvement of met...
The cytological diagnosis of gastric cancer has been made rapid progress with the improvement of met...
A panel review of histologic specimens was carried out as part of a multi-centre case-control study ...
Bu çalışma, 27-30 Mayıs 1990 tarihlerinde İstanbul[Türkiye]'da düzenlenen Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresinde...
Bu çalışma, 27-30 Mayıs 1990 tarihlerinde İstanbul[Türkiye]'da düzenlenen Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresinde...
Anotācija Pētījumā tika analizēti kuņģa vēža pacientu dzīvildzi ietekmējoši riska faktori: komplikāc...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...
Background: Gastric cancer represents one of the most frequent neoplasias. Although its incidence de...
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati patohistološke osobitosti adenokarcinoma želuca i kr...