Viena no lielākajām reformām, ko veica amerikāņu okupācijas spēki Japānā pēc Otrā Pasaules kara, bija izglītības reforma, kas īpaši ietekmēja morālo audzināšanu Japānas skolās. Šī darba mērķis ir analizēt pēckara izglītības reformas ietekmi uz japāņu morāli. Protams, ir skaidrs, ka morāli var ietekmēt daudzi faktori, tomēr krasas pārmaiņas izglītības sistēmā neapšaubāmi ietekmē jaunās paaudzes uzvedību. Turklāt pēckara Japānā visi morālie standarti, kas bija kalpojuši ļoti ilgu laiku, pēkšņi tika atmesti un aizliegti. Šajā situācijā japāņi saskārās ar nopietnām grūtībām – viņiem nācās meklēt jaunus morāles standartus, kas būtu pieņemami jaunajā demokrātiskajā Japānā un nenonāktu pretrunā ar nacionālajām tradīcijām.One of the major reforms, ...
Šajā darbā ir uzskaitīti un analizēti izaicinājumi, ar kuriem Japānas pamatskolas un vidusskolas ir ...
Research on contemporary moral education in Japan has presented ostensibly contradictory findings. O...
Moral or character education has been playing an important role in educating children, teenagers, an...
Viena no nozīmīgām reformām, kuras Japānas valdība bija veikusi Meidži periodā, bija jaunas izglītīb...
Bakalaura darbā tiek pētīti un analizēti autokrātijas un konformisma faktori, kuri par spīti reform...
After the defeat of the World War II, Japanese people tried to rebuild their society by relying on h...
The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final ...
The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final ...
Abstract The post-war educational reform implemented in Japan by the American occupation forces has...
Japan has seen controversy over moral education. Generally, Japanese moral education is regarded as ...
The purpose of this study is to survey Japanese moral education in future, by reexamination a civic ...
Through analysis of Japanese educational reform this paper draws attention to key historical and cul...
I. General situation after the War. 1. Density of Japanese population became one of the thickest in ...
This study examines values education in Japanese schools at the beginning of the millennium. The top...
With the capitulation of Japan in August 1945, World Tier II came to an abrupt end but that date sig...
Šajā darbā ir uzskaitīti un analizēti izaicinājumi, ar kuriem Japānas pamatskolas un vidusskolas ir ...
Research on contemporary moral education in Japan has presented ostensibly contradictory findings. O...
Moral or character education has been playing an important role in educating children, teenagers, an...
Viena no nozīmīgām reformām, kuras Japānas valdība bija veikusi Meidži periodā, bija jaunas izglītīb...
Bakalaura darbā tiek pētīti un analizēti autokrātijas un konformisma faktori, kuri par spīti reform...
After the defeat of the World War II, Japanese people tried to rebuild their society by relying on h...
The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final ...
The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final ...
Abstract The post-war educational reform implemented in Japan by the American occupation forces has...
Japan has seen controversy over moral education. Generally, Japanese moral education is regarded as ...
The purpose of this study is to survey Japanese moral education in future, by reexamination a civic ...
Through analysis of Japanese educational reform this paper draws attention to key historical and cul...
I. General situation after the War. 1. Density of Japanese population became one of the thickest in ...
This study examines values education in Japanese schools at the beginning of the millennium. The top...
With the capitulation of Japan in August 1945, World Tier II came to an abrupt end but that date sig...
Šajā darbā ir uzskaitīti un analizēti izaicinājumi, ar kuriem Japānas pamatskolas un vidusskolas ir ...
Research on contemporary moral education in Japan has presented ostensibly contradictory findings. O...
Moral or character education has been playing an important role in educating children, teenagers, an...