Bakalaura diplomdarbs ar tematu „Moldovas politiskie un institucionālie šķēršļi Austrumu partnerībā”, kā autors ir Jānis Kustkēvičs, darba vadītājs ir docents Toms Rostoks Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu. Darbā tika izskatītas un dziļāk analizētas Moldovas institucionālās un politiskās problēmas, kas tika noteiktas pēc zemākajiem Austrumu Partnerības indeksa rādītājiem. Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot vai ES politiskais spiediens ir atmaksājies ar veiksmīgi ieviestām reformām Moldovā. Autors izvirzīja sekojošu hipotēzi, darba gaitā apstiprināja: •H1: Moldovas galvenās institucionālās un politiskās problēmas ir krietni uzlabojušās līdz ar ciešāku sadarbību ar Eiropas Savienību. Atslēgas vārdi: Moldova, Austrumu partnerība, Eiropas Savie...
The signing of the Association Agreement and DCFTA between Moldova and the European Union in 2014 wa...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Eiropas Savienības Austrumu partnerība: iespējas un draudi”. Maģistra darba ...
The geopolitical condition in Eastern Europe brings about a new dynamic of governance. The neighbour...
The article presents an analysis of the Moldova- EU collaboration and it was supported by a Marie Cu...
In Moldova, the weakness of the Eastern Partnership has been over-reliance on incentives, rather tha...
If EU leaders are looking for ways to make the Eastern Partnership successful, there are worse place...
After 1989, a total collapse of the Soviet ideological monopoly has taken place, not only in Moldova...
Development of relations between European Union and MoldovaThe aim of the paper is to describe, anal...
The article analyzes the significance of the Eastern Partnership Program for the wider systemic tran...
With the European Union's enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe, the EU's foreign policy priorit...
This bachelor thesis deals with the relations between the EU and Moldova and determines the obstacle...
As anti-government demonstrations continued in Chisinau, EU foreign ministers reaffirmed their suppo...
The EU signed an association agreement with Moldova in 2014. Denis Cenusa writes on the EU’s relatio...
Pētījums koncentrējas uz attiecībām starp Baltkrievijas Republiku un ES. Darba hipotēze ir, ka ES va...
As anti-government demonstrations continued in Chisinau, EU foreign ministers reaffirmed their suppo...
The signing of the Association Agreement and DCFTA between Moldova and the European Union in 2014 wa...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Eiropas Savienības Austrumu partnerība: iespējas un draudi”. Maģistra darba ...
The geopolitical condition in Eastern Europe brings about a new dynamic of governance. The neighbour...
The article presents an analysis of the Moldova- EU collaboration and it was supported by a Marie Cu...
In Moldova, the weakness of the Eastern Partnership has been over-reliance on incentives, rather tha...
If EU leaders are looking for ways to make the Eastern Partnership successful, there are worse place...
After 1989, a total collapse of the Soviet ideological monopoly has taken place, not only in Moldova...
Development of relations between European Union and MoldovaThe aim of the paper is to describe, anal...
The article analyzes the significance of the Eastern Partnership Program for the wider systemic tran...
With the European Union's enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe, the EU's foreign policy priorit...
This bachelor thesis deals with the relations between the EU and Moldova and determines the obstacle...
As anti-government demonstrations continued in Chisinau, EU foreign ministers reaffirmed their suppo...
The EU signed an association agreement with Moldova in 2014. Denis Cenusa writes on the EU’s relatio...
Pētījums koncentrējas uz attiecībām starp Baltkrievijas Republiku un ES. Darba hipotēze ir, ka ES va...
As anti-government demonstrations continued in Chisinau, EU foreign ministers reaffirmed their suppo...
The signing of the Association Agreement and DCFTA between Moldova and the European Union in 2014 wa...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Eiropas Savienības Austrumu partnerība: iespējas un draudi”. Maģistra darba ...
The geopolitical condition in Eastern Europe brings about a new dynamic of governance. The neighbour...