Imigrācijas jautājumi ir bijuši ES dienas kārtībā jau kopš Eiropas Savienības izveidošanas. Tā arī kļuva par nozīmīgu un svarīgu problēmu karu un terorisma dēļ. Un ES, kas ir 27 dalībvalstu bloks, ir ieinteresēta politikas veidošanā, lai pārvaldītu un kontrolētu savas ārējās robežas. Protams, to var panākt tikai tad, ja ES nosaka kopēju imigrācijas politiku. Tātad šis ir vienīgais veids, kā apkarot nelegālo imigrāciju un kā novērst iespējamos draudus visai Eiropas Kopienai. Turklāt Eiropā notiek iedzīvotāju novecošanās, un pēdējā laikā dažās jomās ir atklāts kvalificēta darbaspēka trūkums. ES ir izstrādājusi kopējo imigrācijas politiku, sākot ar Šengenas vienošanos līdz Hāgas programmai. Un viens no tās sasniegšanas veidiem ir Eiropas Komi...
This bachelor thesis refers to the economic migration to the European Union from third countries, sp...
[From the Introduction]. The Commission published its proposal for a directive on migration for high...
As of this year, the EU Council will implement Directive No. 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009, which is me...
Imigracja nie jest nowym zjawiskiem, kraje od wieków doświadczają napływu migrantów. Niniejsza praca...
European Union is facing challenges of ageing societies and changes in structure of economy, thus la...
International labor migration plays an important role in global economic relations nowadays. The pre...
This Policy Brief reviews the implementation of the EU Blue Card (BC) Directive in Member States and...
In recent years Brussels has recognized that certain regions and sectors in the EU are in need of mi...
One of the four priorities of the European Commission in its preparation for the European Agenda on ...
An ageing society, rapid technological developments combined with an increasing demand for (highly) ...
This Policy Brief reviews the implementation of the EU Blue Card (BC) Directive in Member States and...
In June 2016, the European Commission issued a new EU Blue Card proposal. The new proposal is meant ...
The purpose of the "Blue Card" project is to provide access for highly skilled foreign workers to th...
This research paper focuses on the success of policy outcomes of the Directive, by illustratingthe c...
This paper analyses the attractiveness of the Council Directive 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009 on the con...
This bachelor thesis refers to the economic migration to the European Union from third countries, sp...
[From the Introduction]. The Commission published its proposal for a directive on migration for high...
As of this year, the EU Council will implement Directive No. 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009, which is me...
Imigracja nie jest nowym zjawiskiem, kraje od wieków doświadczają napływu migrantów. Niniejsza praca...
European Union is facing challenges of ageing societies and changes in structure of economy, thus la...
International labor migration plays an important role in global economic relations nowadays. The pre...
This Policy Brief reviews the implementation of the EU Blue Card (BC) Directive in Member States and...
In recent years Brussels has recognized that certain regions and sectors in the EU are in need of mi...
One of the four priorities of the European Commission in its preparation for the European Agenda on ...
An ageing society, rapid technological developments combined with an increasing demand for (highly) ...
This Policy Brief reviews the implementation of the EU Blue Card (BC) Directive in Member States and...
In June 2016, the European Commission issued a new EU Blue Card proposal. The new proposal is meant ...
The purpose of the "Blue Card" project is to provide access for highly skilled foreign workers to th...
This research paper focuses on the success of policy outcomes of the Directive, by illustratingthe c...
This paper analyses the attractiveness of the Council Directive 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009 on the con...
This bachelor thesis refers to the economic migration to the European Union from third countries, sp...
[From the Introduction]. The Commission published its proposal for a directive on migration for high...
As of this year, the EU Council will implement Directive No. 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009, which is me...