Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Sieviešu drošība konflikta valstīs un pēc konflikta valstīs”. Darba autore izvēlējās šādu tēmu, lai izpētītu, kā norisinās sieviešu drošības nodrošināšana ar Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Drošības padomes pieņemto rezolūciju palīdzību. Lai to noskaidrotu, darba autore veic teorētisko izpēti, kurā aplūko dzimuma nevienlīdzību un ar to saistītos terminus, kā arī sieviešu un dzimuma attiecības ar tādiem konceptiem kā drošība, konflikts un vardarbība. Darba empīriskā daļa tiek strukturēta divās daļās. Pirmajā tiek analizētas un salīdzinātas Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Drošības padomes pieņemtās rezolūcijas, kas īstenotas dienaskārtības „Sieviete, miers un drošība” ietvaros. Otrajā daļā darba autore aplūko un salīdzi...
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the first countries in the Western Balkans to adopt a National Act...
The post-conflict terrain provides multiple opportunities for transformation on many different level...
This thesis is looking at the experience of girls and women in times of armed conflic...
Predmet ovog rada je proučavanje zaštite žena u oružanim sukobima, promatrajući prvenstveno zaštitu ...
Ovaj rad se bavi procesom implementacije Rezolucije 1325 u NATO savez. Feministički pokreti su od 19...
Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, kāda ir sieviešu loma konfliktu situācijās un to risināšanā, skatoties n...
Postavka na kojoj se ovaj rad temelji, možda teško dokaziva, ali sve češće priznata i raspravljana j...
This bachelor thesis and Minor Field Study examines how women’s experiences of security are used in ...
Ovaj se rad bavi ulogom žena u civilno-vojnim misijama NATO-a. Istraživačko pitanje glasi: „Jesu li ...
Since 2000, the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) has adopted four resolutions on women, peace a...
This research analyzes the 11 national action plans that were adopted between June 2005 and October ...
Rada Bezpieczeństwa ONZ wydała na przestrzeni ostatnich piętnastu lat kilka rezolucji dotyczących ro...
This volume explores the implementation of key gender policies in international peace and security, ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the first countries in the Western Balkans to adopt a National Act...
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the successive thematic resolutions together with a variety ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the first countries in the Western Balkans to adopt a National Act...
The post-conflict terrain provides multiple opportunities for transformation on many different level...
This thesis is looking at the experience of girls and women in times of armed conflic...
Predmet ovog rada je proučavanje zaštite žena u oružanim sukobima, promatrajući prvenstveno zaštitu ...
Ovaj rad se bavi procesom implementacije Rezolucije 1325 u NATO savez. Feministički pokreti su od 19...
Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, kāda ir sieviešu loma konfliktu situācijās un to risināšanā, skatoties n...
Postavka na kojoj se ovaj rad temelji, možda teško dokaziva, ali sve češće priznata i raspravljana j...
This bachelor thesis and Minor Field Study examines how women’s experiences of security are used in ...
Ovaj se rad bavi ulogom žena u civilno-vojnim misijama NATO-a. Istraživačko pitanje glasi: „Jesu li ...
Since 2000, the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) has adopted four resolutions on women, peace a...
This research analyzes the 11 national action plans that were adopted between June 2005 and October ...
Rada Bezpieczeństwa ONZ wydała na przestrzeni ostatnich piętnastu lat kilka rezolucji dotyczących ro...
This volume explores the implementation of key gender policies in international peace and security, ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the first countries in the Western Balkans to adopt a National Act...
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the successive thematic resolutions together with a variety ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the first countries in the Western Balkans to adopt a National Act...
The post-conflict terrain provides multiple opportunities for transformation on many different level...
This thesis is looking at the experience of girls and women in times of armed conflic...