Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts ievērojama 20. gadsimta Japānas intelektuāļa Ņitobes InadzĶ samuraju morāli-ētiska kodeksa (busidĶ) analīzei. Darbs balstās uz Ņitobes pamata darbu par samurajiem - „BusidĶ: Japānas Dvēsele” (BushidĶ:The Soul of Japan). Darba uzdevumi ir izpētīt kā tiek atspoguļots un idealizēts izmantoti grāmatas samuraju uzvedības kodekss Ņitobes InadzĶ grāmata. Tiek mēģināts parādīt, kā ārējie faktori ietekmēja Ņitobes grāmatas un busidĶ koncepcijas gala rezultātu.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the morally ethical code of samurai called bushidĶ, as it appears in the interpretation of a prominent 20th century Japanese intellectual Nitobe InazĶ. The main source that is used during this research is the book written by ...
This paper discusses Inazou Nitobe's effort to interpret Japanese ideas toward westerners, especiall...
From our seat in the theatre of time, it is easy to view the annals of history upon the screen and w...
Special characteristic of every nation is influenced by each geographical invironment, and outside e...
O objetivo desta pesquisa é mostrar como a interpretação do conceito Bushidô, pelo pensador e educad...
Šī bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Bušido ietekme uz moderno japāņu pasaules uzskatu”. Bušido, kuram i...
The samurai has been viewed as the Oriental equivalent of the feudalistic knights of Europe ever sin...
In this article, some of the main points of the book Bushido � The Soul of Japan by Nitobe Inazó are...
Work focuses on the Japanese environment of sarariman. Full-time employees of financial companies. I...
Bushido is most often translated as the way of the warrior caste in Japan. Bushirefers to warriors i...
Though difficult to define as a clear set of moral precepts, aspects of so-called “samurai values”, ...
W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano samurajów i ukazano ich prawdziwe życie, opierając się na przykład...
ABSTRACT Sari, Retno Wulan, 2017. "Comparison of Bushido Value in Folklore Momotarou and Issunbou...
Bushido is the guideline of the samurai’s life. Samurai lived in close quarters with death because t...
Skripsi ini ditulis untuk mengungkap kode etik Bushido sebagaimana digambarkan pada salah satu...
ABSTRACT Indra Pratama, Riyan. “The Roles of Bushido in Social Ecosystem Development : Case Study...
This paper discusses Inazou Nitobe's effort to interpret Japanese ideas toward westerners, especiall...
From our seat in the theatre of time, it is easy to view the annals of history upon the screen and w...
Special characteristic of every nation is influenced by each geographical invironment, and outside e...
O objetivo desta pesquisa é mostrar como a interpretação do conceito Bushidô, pelo pensador e educad...
Šī bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Bušido ietekme uz moderno japāņu pasaules uzskatu”. Bušido, kuram i...
The samurai has been viewed as the Oriental equivalent of the feudalistic knights of Europe ever sin...
In this article, some of the main points of the book Bushido � The Soul of Japan by Nitobe Inazó are...
Work focuses on the Japanese environment of sarariman. Full-time employees of financial companies. I...
Bushido is most often translated as the way of the warrior caste in Japan. Bushirefers to warriors i...
Though difficult to define as a clear set of moral precepts, aspects of so-called “samurai values”, ...
W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano samurajów i ukazano ich prawdziwe życie, opierając się na przykład...
ABSTRACT Sari, Retno Wulan, 2017. "Comparison of Bushido Value in Folklore Momotarou and Issunbou...
Bushido is the guideline of the samurai’s life. Samurai lived in close quarters with death because t...
Skripsi ini ditulis untuk mengungkap kode etik Bushido sebagaimana digambarkan pada salah satu...
ABSTRACT Indra Pratama, Riyan. “The Roles of Bushido in Social Ecosystem Development : Case Study...
This paper discusses Inazou Nitobe's effort to interpret Japanese ideas toward westerners, especiall...
From our seat in the theatre of time, it is easy to view the annals of history upon the screen and w...
Special characteristic of every nation is influenced by each geographical invironment, and outside e...