ANOTĀCIJA Bakalaura darba mērķis bija noskaidrot svešzemju augu sugu izplatību un to ietekmējošos faktorus Engures ezera sateces baseinā. Pētījuma ietvaros apkopoti dati, kas ievākti galvenokārt 2010. gada sugu inventarizācijas laikā, kā arī izmantoti atsevišķi herbāriju dati no par laika posmu kopš 1971. gada. Darba rezultātā izveidota datubāze, kurā iekļauti dati par 49 sugām, kopā 261 punktveida atradnēm. Izmantojot ArcGis programmu, sagatavotas sugu izplatības kartes 1 x 1 km regulārā kvadrātu tīklā. Izplatības kartes sagatavotas 18 sugām, kas teritorijā sastopamas visbiežāk vai uzskatāmas par invazīvām vai potenciāli invazīvām. Sagatavota arī sugu blīvuma karte, kas parāda kopējo svešzemju augu sugu skaitu katrā tīklojuma kvadrātā. ...
© 2017, Croatian Society of Natural Sciences. All rights reserved. Background and purpose: For a fai...
The transmission of organisms beyond their natural distribution range is one of the effects of human...
Biološke invazije predstavljaju jednu od odlika koje karakterišu Antropocen. Invazivne vrste uzrokuj...
Naujaisiais amžiais vykstant sparčiai globalizacijai ir intensyvėjant tarptautiniai prekybai bei plė...
Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotovitev pojavljanja, razporeditve in številčnosti izbranih invazivn...
katedra: KPV; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 89 s., 23 s. obr. přílohDiploma thesis deals with problems of...
Magistro darbe nustatytas svetimkraščių trako rūšių paplitimas Lietuvos miškuose, jų paplitimo prikl...
Plant invasions are becoming increasingly more discussed issue, primarily due to a negative impact o...
During the realization of the scientific research program for mapping of the most invasive plant spe...
Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti pogostost in pojavljanje invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vr...
Celem pracy było udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy istnieje charakterystyczny zbiór obcych inwaz...
Some alien species used in forestry may cause major problems as invaders of natural and semi-natural...
This thesis deals with the issue of alien species in the selected basin of the river Svratka. The ex...
Background and purpose: Invasion by alien plant species is considered as one of major threats to bio...
Background and purpose: The objectives of our study were to identify invasive alien plant species (I...
© 2017, Croatian Society of Natural Sciences. All rights reserved. Background and purpose: For a fai...
The transmission of organisms beyond their natural distribution range is one of the effects of human...
Biološke invazije predstavljaju jednu od odlika koje karakterišu Antropocen. Invazivne vrste uzrokuj...
Naujaisiais amžiais vykstant sparčiai globalizacijai ir intensyvėjant tarptautiniai prekybai bei plė...
Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotovitev pojavljanja, razporeditve in številčnosti izbranih invazivn...
katedra: KPV; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 89 s., 23 s. obr. přílohDiploma thesis deals with problems of...
Magistro darbe nustatytas svetimkraščių trako rūšių paplitimas Lietuvos miškuose, jų paplitimo prikl...
Plant invasions are becoming increasingly more discussed issue, primarily due to a negative impact o...
During the realization of the scientific research program for mapping of the most invasive plant spe...
Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti pogostost in pojavljanje invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vr...
Celem pracy było udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy istnieje charakterystyczny zbiór obcych inwaz...
Some alien species used in forestry may cause major problems as invaders of natural and semi-natural...
This thesis deals with the issue of alien species in the selected basin of the river Svratka. The ex...
Background and purpose: Invasion by alien plant species is considered as one of major threats to bio...
Background and purpose: The objectives of our study were to identify invasive alien plant species (I...
© 2017, Croatian Society of Natural Sciences. All rights reserved. Background and purpose: For a fai...
The transmission of organisms beyond their natural distribution range is one of the effects of human...
Biološke invazije predstavljaju jednu od odlika koje karakterišu Antropocen. Invazivne vrste uzrokuj...