Bakalaura darba mērķis bija izmantojot dārzeņu dīgstu augšanas testu, salīdzināt no dažādiem organiskajiem substrātiem iegūtu humīnvielas saturošu preparātu augu augšanu veicinošo aktivitāti. Pētījumā izmantoja četrus dažādus humīnskābju preparātus, kuri iegūti no kūdras, sapropeļa, komposta, un vermikomposta, kā arī vermikomposta ūdens ekstraktu. Ar šiem preparātiem dažādās koncentrācijās apstrādāja redīsu, kāļu, burkānu un tomātu sēklas un diedzēja tās tumsā Petrī traukos piecas dienas 22 ± 2º temperatūrā un pēc tam mērīja dīgstu hipokotilu un dīgļsaknes garumu. Tika izmantotas divas dažādas sēklu apstrādes metodes, ar priekšapstrādi un sekojošu apstrādi vai tikai ar priekšapstrādi. Humīnskābes saturošo preparātu augu augšanu ietekmējošā ...
The influence of humic acids on Pisum sativum L. seed swelling process was studied. Humic acids (HA)...
Humic substances can increment plant development, promoting the growth of shoots and roots, but thei...
The potential use of humic acids has received a great deal of attention during the last decade. Many...
No vermikomposta izolētas humīnskābes tiek uzskatītas par vienu no galvenajām frakcijām, kas ietekmē...
Demand for new biological technologies in agriculture is ever growing, particularly with respect to ...
© SGEM 2018. Humates are substances possessing high physiological activity, contributing to the phot...
The biological effects of humic substances on vegetables depend on the source of extraction and the ...
International audienceHumic acid (HA) is a specific and stable component of humus materials that beh...
Extreme use of chemical fertilizers could reduce the quality of secondary metabolites in medicinal p...
Šiuo laikmečiu labai svarbu humuso išsaugojimas ir jo atstatymas, palaikant natūralų dirvožemio derl...
The object of this study was Gumavit, a liquid humic fertilizer based on peat. This fertilizer is ob...
Commercial products with humic substances have often been recommended for plant growth stimulation a...
The humified organic matter presents bioactivity similar to the auxinic effect. As bokashi is produc...
Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot kā vermikomposta ekstrakts (VE) Raskila ietekmē kultūraugu augšanu. Subst...
Šiuo laikmečiu labai svarbu humuso išsaugojimas ir jo atstatymas, palaikant natūralų dirvožemio derl...
The influence of humic acids on Pisum sativum L. seed swelling process was studied. Humic acids (HA)...
Humic substances can increment plant development, promoting the growth of shoots and roots, but thei...
The potential use of humic acids has received a great deal of attention during the last decade. Many...
No vermikomposta izolētas humīnskābes tiek uzskatītas par vienu no galvenajām frakcijām, kas ietekmē...
Demand for new biological technologies in agriculture is ever growing, particularly with respect to ...
© SGEM 2018. Humates are substances possessing high physiological activity, contributing to the phot...
The biological effects of humic substances on vegetables depend on the source of extraction and the ...
International audienceHumic acid (HA) is a specific and stable component of humus materials that beh...
Extreme use of chemical fertilizers could reduce the quality of secondary metabolites in medicinal p...
Šiuo laikmečiu labai svarbu humuso išsaugojimas ir jo atstatymas, palaikant natūralų dirvožemio derl...
The object of this study was Gumavit, a liquid humic fertilizer based on peat. This fertilizer is ob...
Commercial products with humic substances have often been recommended for plant growth stimulation a...
The humified organic matter presents bioactivity similar to the auxinic effect. As bokashi is produc...
Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot kā vermikomposta ekstrakts (VE) Raskila ietekmē kultūraugu augšanu. Subst...
Šiuo laikmečiu labai svarbu humuso išsaugojimas ir jo atstatymas, palaikant natūralų dirvožemio derl...
The influence of humic acids on Pisum sativum L. seed swelling process was studied. Humic acids (HA)...
Humic substances can increment plant development, promoting the growth of shoots and roots, but thei...
The potential use of humic acids has received a great deal of attention during the last decade. Many...