Aija Valentīna Zāne, 2014. Brahiopodi augšējā ordovika Mežciema svītā. Bakalaura darbs. Latvijas Universitāte, Rīga. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir raksturot augšējā ordovika Mežciema svītas brahiopodu faunu no 5 urbumiem Austrumlatvijā un precizēt svītas ģeoloģiskās robežas vertikālajā griezumā. Ir konstatēts, ka Mežciema svītai raksturīgo kompleksu veidotāji ir sekojošās ģintis: Dalmanella, Howellites, Leptaena, Platystrophia un Sowerbyella, kas ir konstatētas vairākumu no pētītiem urbumiem. Sowerbyella ģints pārstāvji dominē ar lielāko īpatņu skaitu lielāko izplatību starp urbumiem. Brahiopodu izplatība ļauj precīzāk korelēt svītas nogulumus starp urbumiem. Pētījumu rezultātā Mežciema svītas vertikālās robežas tiek apšaubītas. Atslēgas vārdi...
Cardinal process is a structure on dorsal valve of brachio− pods serving for separation or attachmen...
THE GENUS Glyptorthis Foerste, 1914 is a rare component ofthe Late Ordovician to early Silurian brac...
Doğu Toroslar'da Saimbeyli (Adana) ilçesinin Naltaş ve Himmetti Köyleri civarındaki bu çalışmada, De...
A new glyptorthid brachiopod species Bassettella alata with surface pits and lamellose frills is des...
Rhynchonelliformean brachiopods, belonging to 17 genera, are described from the East Baltic Porkuni ...
correlated with the global Hirnantian Stage. The brachiopod genera Paromalomena, Proboscizambon?, Ki...
The two lowermost Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) brachiopod species that were previously included i...
Lower-Middle Ordovician (Arenig) successions in the East Baltic have been investigated for more than...
The stratigraphy of the Ordovician carbonates of Baltoscandia was initially based, during the 19th c...
The stratigraphy of the Ordovician carbonates of Baltoscandia was initially based, during the 19th c...
Lingulate brachiopods from chalcedonites of Tremadoc age are redescribed based on new material from ...
The distribution of brachiopod faunas around Laurentia during the Ordovician period was influenced b...
An Early Ordovician fauna of linguliform brachiopods and euconodonts is described from the Alum Shal...
Taxonomic position of the brachiopod genus Euorthisina HAVLÍ EK 1950 from the Ordovician of the Prag...
Two brachiopod faunas from the Moscovian of the Bükk Mts are discussed in the present paper. This pa...
Cardinal process is a structure on dorsal valve of brachio− pods serving for separation or attachmen...
THE GENUS Glyptorthis Foerste, 1914 is a rare component ofthe Late Ordovician to early Silurian brac...
Doğu Toroslar'da Saimbeyli (Adana) ilçesinin Naltaş ve Himmetti Köyleri civarındaki bu çalışmada, De...
A new glyptorthid brachiopod species Bassettella alata with surface pits and lamellose frills is des...
Rhynchonelliformean brachiopods, belonging to 17 genera, are described from the East Baltic Porkuni ...
correlated with the global Hirnantian Stage. The brachiopod genera Paromalomena, Proboscizambon?, Ki...
The two lowermost Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) brachiopod species that were previously included i...
Lower-Middle Ordovician (Arenig) successions in the East Baltic have been investigated for more than...
The stratigraphy of the Ordovician carbonates of Baltoscandia was initially based, during the 19th c...
The stratigraphy of the Ordovician carbonates of Baltoscandia was initially based, during the 19th c...
Lingulate brachiopods from chalcedonites of Tremadoc age are redescribed based on new material from ...
The distribution of brachiopod faunas around Laurentia during the Ordovician period was influenced b...
An Early Ordovician fauna of linguliform brachiopods and euconodonts is described from the Alum Shal...
Taxonomic position of the brachiopod genus Euorthisina HAVLÍ EK 1950 from the Ordovician of the Prag...
Two brachiopod faunas from the Moscovian of the Bükk Mts are discussed in the present paper. This pa...
Cardinal process is a structure on dorsal valve of brachio− pods serving for separation or attachmen...
THE GENUS Glyptorthis Foerste, 1914 is a rare component ofthe Late Ordovician to early Silurian brac...
Doğu Toroslar'da Saimbeyli (Adana) ilçesinin Naltaş ve Himmetti Köyleri civarındaki bu çalışmada, De...