Šī darba mērķis ir novērtēt pildvielas un starpfāžu slāņa ietekmi uz epoksīda/māla nanokompozīta (NK) mehānisko uzvedību. Tika realizēti mitruma sorbcijas eksperimenti atmosfērās ar relatīvo mitrumu no 24 līdz 98%. Tika veikti kvazistatiskie stiepes eksperimenti, termogravimētrijas analīze un diferenciāli skenējošās kalorimetrijas eksperimenti uz paraugiem ar dažādu māla saturu sausā un mitrinātā stāvoklī. Izmantojot atomspēku mikroskopu, tika izpētīta nanokompozīta virsmas topogrāfija. Elastības un sorbcijas īpašības tika aprēķinātas pēc NK struktūras komponenšu īpašībām. Starpfāžu slānis tika ievests saskaņā ar hibrīda starpfāžu modeli. Tika novērtēta starpfāžu slāņa satura ietekme uz NK elastības un sorbcijas īpašībām un tika dabūta laba...
Nanocomposites have been widely reported to enhance performance in polymers, in bothmechanical and p...
Epoxy-clay nanocomposites were synthesized to examine the effects of the content and type of differe...
The polymer/clay nanocomposite has unique morphologies which help to improve the properties of the n...
Different preparation methods and formulations of epoxy nanocomposites have been examined. The effec...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot mitruma ietekmi uz epoksīda sveķu un ONC nanokompozītmateriāla ...
Promocijas darbā ir apkopoti mehānisko un termofizikālo īpašību kompleksā pētījuma rezultāti epoksīd...
Nanocomposites based on polymer matrix are of great industrial as well as scientific interest. In a ...
The effect of the dispersion and intercalation/exfoliation of organoclay on the mechanical propertie...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noteikt oglekļa nanocaurulīšu (ONC)-epoksīda sveķu nanokompozītu (NK) mehān...
The aim of this project is to compare the themal and mechanical properties of clay filled epoxy nano...
Clay/epoxy nanocomposites are synthesized by high shear mechanical mixer followed by ultra-sonicato...
Nanocompósitos híbridos a base de resinas epoxídicas e argilas organofílicas têm sido desenvolvidos ...
Three different organo-modified clays have been incorporated by sonication into a high performance e...
This study utilized the incorporation of nanoparticle filler into an epoxy system to study the effec...
AbstractMorphology and mechanical properties of clay/high-functional epoxy nanocomposites are invest...
Nanocomposites have been widely reported to enhance performance in polymers, in bothmechanical and p...
Epoxy-clay nanocomposites were synthesized to examine the effects of the content and type of differe...
The polymer/clay nanocomposite has unique morphologies which help to improve the properties of the n...
Different preparation methods and formulations of epoxy nanocomposites have been examined. The effec...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot mitruma ietekmi uz epoksīda sveķu un ONC nanokompozītmateriāla ...
Promocijas darbā ir apkopoti mehānisko un termofizikālo īpašību kompleksā pētījuma rezultāti epoksīd...
Nanocomposites based on polymer matrix are of great industrial as well as scientific interest. In a ...
The effect of the dispersion and intercalation/exfoliation of organoclay on the mechanical propertie...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noteikt oglekļa nanocaurulīšu (ONC)-epoksīda sveķu nanokompozītu (NK) mehān...
The aim of this project is to compare the themal and mechanical properties of clay filled epoxy nano...
Clay/epoxy nanocomposites are synthesized by high shear mechanical mixer followed by ultra-sonicato...
Nanocompósitos híbridos a base de resinas epoxídicas e argilas organofílicas têm sido desenvolvidos ...
Three different organo-modified clays have been incorporated by sonication into a high performance e...
This study utilized the incorporation of nanoparticle filler into an epoxy system to study the effec...
AbstractMorphology and mechanical properties of clay/high-functional epoxy nanocomposites are invest...
Nanocomposites have been widely reported to enhance performance in polymers, in bothmechanical and p...
Epoxy-clay nanocomposites were synthesized to examine the effects of the content and type of differe...
The polymer/clay nanocomposite has unique morphologies which help to improve the properties of the n...