Pētīta treku veidošanās LiF kristālos, kas apstaroti ar ātrajiem Xe joniem ar specifisko enerģiju 11,1 MeV uz nuklonu fluenču 107 -1010 joni/cm2 apgabalā, izmantojot dislokāciju kustīguma, atomspēka un optiskās mikroskopijas metodes. Dislokācijas un treki tika vizualizēti selektīvas ķīmiskās kodināšanas ceļā. Fluencei pārsniedzot 107 joni/cm2 tika novērota dislokāciju kustīguma samazināšanās uz apstarotās virsmas. Tika konstatēti pārtraukumi treku serdes struktūrā, kuri samazina treku efektivitāti dislokāciju bremzēšanā. Rezultāti analizēti, izmantojot Orovana modeli dislokāciju mijiedarbībai ar trekiem kā spēcīgiem šķēršļiem. Iegūtie rezultāti parāda dislokāciju kustīguma metodes priekšrocības treka serdes defektu diagnosticēšanai zemo flu...
International audienceCaF 2 crystals as representatives of the class of ionic nonamorphizable insula...
Dans des papiers précédents nous indiquions que des ions alcalins implantés dans le fluorure de lith...
In many materials electronic excitations created around the trajectories of swift ions result in def...
Darbā pētītas struktūras un mikromehānisko īpašību izmaiņas LiF monokristālos, apstarojot tos ar ātr...
International audienceThe track damage created in LiF crystals by swift U, Xe and Kr ions with a spe...
The modifications of the structure and hardness of LiF crystals under high-fluence irradiation with ...
Atkvēlināšanas ietekme uz struktūru ar ātrajiem 36S joniem apstarotos LiF monokristālos. Sušinska J....
Influence of the irradiation with 13.5 MeV 3He and 5 MeV 4He ions on the micro-structure and mechani...
R. Zabels, I. Manika, J. Maniks, and R.Grants acknowledge the national project IMIS2, and A. Dauletb...
Dependences of the nanohardness and photoluminescence of F 2 and F 3 + centers on the depth in LiF c...
Depth profiles of nanohardness and photoluminescence of F2 and F3 + centers in LiF crystals irradiat...
Single crystals of lithium fluoride were irradiated with various species of heavy ions in the energy...
Single-crystal samples of lithium fluoride are irradiated normal to the (100) lattice plane with nic...
International audienceCaF2 crystals as representatives of the class of ionic nonamorphizable insulat...
International audienceCaF 2 crystals as representatives of the class of ionic nonamorphizable insula...
Dans des papiers précédents nous indiquions que des ions alcalins implantés dans le fluorure de lith...
In many materials electronic excitations created around the trajectories of swift ions result in def...
Darbā pētītas struktūras un mikromehānisko īpašību izmaiņas LiF monokristālos, apstarojot tos ar ātr...
International audienceThe track damage created in LiF crystals by swift U, Xe and Kr ions with a spe...
The modifications of the structure and hardness of LiF crystals under high-fluence irradiation with ...
Atkvēlināšanas ietekme uz struktūru ar ātrajiem 36S joniem apstarotos LiF monokristālos. Sušinska J....
Influence of the irradiation with 13.5 MeV 3He and 5 MeV 4He ions on the micro-structure and mechani...
R. Zabels, I. Manika, J. Maniks, and R.Grants acknowledge the national project IMIS2, and A. Dauletb...
Dependences of the nanohardness and photoluminescence of F 2 and F 3 + centers on the depth in LiF c...
Depth profiles of nanohardness and photoluminescence of F2 and F3 + centers in LiF crystals irradiat...
Single crystals of lithium fluoride were irradiated with various species of heavy ions in the energy...
Single-crystal samples of lithium fluoride are irradiated normal to the (100) lattice plane with nic...
International audienceCaF2 crystals as representatives of the class of ionic nonamorphizable insulat...
International audienceCaF 2 crystals as representatives of the class of ionic nonamorphizable insula...
Dans des papiers précédents nous indiquions que des ions alcalins implantés dans le fluorure de lith...
In many materials electronic excitations created around the trajectories of swift ions result in def...