Bakalaura darbā veikta YAG nanodaļiņu rentgendifraktometriska izpēte. YAG un Me:YAG tiek sintezēts pēc modificētās sola – gēla metodes, par degšanas aģentu izmantojot etilēnglikolu, glicerīnu un citronskābi. Darbā noteikta vielu ietekme uz YAG daļiņu īpatnējo virsmu, izmantojot argona adsorbcijas – desorbcijas metodi. Sintezētajiem YAG un Me:YAG paraugiem veikta rentgenfāzžu analīzi, režģa parametru precizēšana, kā arī rentgendifraktometriska kristalītu izmēru noteikšana, izmantojot jaunākās paaudzes rentgendifraktometru un programmatūru. Darbā tiek mēģināts izskaidrot metālisko elementu Ce, Eu un Nd ietekme uz Me:YAG režģa parametriem.The yttrium aluminum garnet nanoparticle determination was made by X-ray diffraction. YAG and Me:YAG was s...
Nanocrystalline yttrium aluminium garnet (nYAG) powder has been synthesized via sol-gel and co-preci...
This study investigates a range of commercially available γ-Al2O3 powders by using a combination of ...
Nanopowders of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) have been prepared by thermal treatment of hy...
Viena no svarīgākām mūsdienu materiālu zinātnes problēmām ir relatīvi lētu nanokristālu ražošana un ...
none6noNanoparticles of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) have been obtained by thermal treatm...
Hydroxide precursors, synthesized using the co-precipitation method, were calcined for 1 h at the te...
Darbā tiek pētīta nanokristāliskā (2 – 50 nm) itrija (III) oksīda (Y2O3) lokālā struktūra, izmantojo...
Cerium yttrium aluminum garnet (Ce:YAG, CexY3-xAl5O12) nanoparticles doped with different cerium amo...
Nanopowders of yttrium aluminium garnet Y3Al5O12 (YAG) doped with neodymium ions were obtained by th...
Nanopowders of yttrium aluminium garnet Y3Al5O12 (YAG) doped with neodymium ions were obtained by th...
This paper presents preparation and characterization of aluminum substituted–iron garnet (Al-YIG) na...
Darbā tika izpētītas ar cēriju aktivēto Y3Al5O12 (YAG) nanokristālu luminiscences īpašības plašā spe...
Aluminum substituted yttrium iron garnet nano particles with compositional variation of Y3.0−xAlxFe5...
Eu:YAG nanopowder precursors were obtained by co-precipitation of aluminium, yttrium and europium ni...
The synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) (Y3 Al5O12) nanopowder was carried outby sol-gel met...
Nanocrystalline yttrium aluminium garnet (nYAG) powder has been synthesized via sol-gel and co-preci...
This study investigates a range of commercially available γ-Al2O3 powders by using a combination of ...
Nanopowders of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) have been prepared by thermal treatment of hy...
Viena no svarīgākām mūsdienu materiālu zinātnes problēmām ir relatīvi lētu nanokristālu ražošana un ...
none6noNanoparticles of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) have been obtained by thermal treatm...
Hydroxide precursors, synthesized using the co-precipitation method, were calcined for 1 h at the te...
Darbā tiek pētīta nanokristāliskā (2 – 50 nm) itrija (III) oksīda (Y2O3) lokālā struktūra, izmantojo...
Cerium yttrium aluminum garnet (Ce:YAG, CexY3-xAl5O12) nanoparticles doped with different cerium amo...
Nanopowders of yttrium aluminium garnet Y3Al5O12 (YAG) doped with neodymium ions were obtained by th...
Nanopowders of yttrium aluminium garnet Y3Al5O12 (YAG) doped with neodymium ions were obtained by th...
This paper presents preparation and characterization of aluminum substituted–iron garnet (Al-YIG) na...
Darbā tika izpētītas ar cēriju aktivēto Y3Al5O12 (YAG) nanokristālu luminiscences īpašības plašā spe...
Aluminum substituted yttrium iron garnet nano particles with compositional variation of Y3.0−xAlxFe5...
Eu:YAG nanopowder precursors were obtained by co-precipitation of aluminium, yttrium and europium ni...
The synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) (Y3 Al5O12) nanopowder was carried outby sol-gel met...
Nanocrystalline yttrium aluminium garnet (nYAG) powder has been synthesized via sol-gel and co-preci...
This study investigates a range of commercially available γ-Al2O3 powders by using a combination of ...
Nanopowders of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12) have been prepared by thermal treatment of hy...