Bakalaura darbs „Sportojošu 14 – 15 gadus vecu skolēnu smēķēšanas paradumi laukos un pilsētās” raksturo sportojošo skolēnu vecumā no 14 – 15 gadiem smēķēšanas iemeslus un smēķēšanas paradumus. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir uzzināt 14 – 15 gadus vecu sportojošo jauniešu smēķēšanas paradumus un iemeslus, kāpēc viņi uzsāk smēķēt, apzinoties cik tas ir kaitīgi un kā tas var ietekmēt viņu veselību. Bakalaura darbs ir izstrādāts, lai analizētu un izpētītu sportojošo 14 – 15 gadus vecu jauniešu smēķēšanas paradumus lauku un pilsētu skolās. Bakalaura darba pamatstruktūra sastāv no ievada, četrām nodaļām, vairākām apakšnodaļām, rezultātiem un diskusijas un secinājumiem. Bakalaura darba galvenās nodaļas: 1.Jaunieši kā īpaša sociāla grupa 2.Smēķēšana un s...
WOS: 000246793700010PubMed ID: 17691237Objectives: To determine the smoking prevalence and its deter...
To date, few studies have examined the re-lationship between health behavior risk factors and cigare...
Smoking is the most spread modern, social disease worlwide. It is considered that efficient programs...
In this study it is aimed to find out the behavior of smoking among the students who...
V této dvýzkumné práci hodnotíme vztah mezi kouřením a pohybovou aktivitou u vývojového období střed...
V naší výzkumné práci se zabýváme vztahem mezi kouřením a pohybovou aktivitou u středoškolských stud...
V této výzkumné práci posuzujeme vztah mezi kouřením a pohybovou aktivitou u studentů ZČU v Plzni. V...
Rūkymo ypatybių tyrimai pradedant šiam įpročiui formuotis svarbūs planuojant profilaktines priemones...
Introduction: Tobacco use is one of the most important preventable health problems all over the worl...
Amaç: Bu araştırmada Amatör Futbol Kulüplerindeki futbolcuların sigara kullanım alışkanlıkları ve al...
In the thesis are presented in detail smoking and physical activity and their impact on the health o...
Tyrimo metodai: 1. Literatūros šaltinių analizė. 2. Anketinė paauglių apklausa. 3. Standartizuotas i...
Objective: Sport and scholastic factors are known to be associated with cigarette smoking in adolesc...
The prevalence of smoking among Croatian adolescents is alarmingly high, but no previous study has p...
Introduction: Though adolescence is recognised as a critical period for smoking prevention, there is...
WOS: 000246793700010PubMed ID: 17691237Objectives: To determine the smoking prevalence and its deter...
To date, few studies have examined the re-lationship between health behavior risk factors and cigare...
Smoking is the most spread modern, social disease worlwide. It is considered that efficient programs...
In this study it is aimed to find out the behavior of smoking among the students who...
V této dvýzkumné práci hodnotíme vztah mezi kouřením a pohybovou aktivitou u vývojového období střed...
V naší výzkumné práci se zabýváme vztahem mezi kouřením a pohybovou aktivitou u středoškolských stud...
V této výzkumné práci posuzujeme vztah mezi kouřením a pohybovou aktivitou u studentů ZČU v Plzni. V...
Rūkymo ypatybių tyrimai pradedant šiam įpročiui formuotis svarbūs planuojant profilaktines priemones...
Introduction: Tobacco use is one of the most important preventable health problems all over the worl...
Amaç: Bu araştırmada Amatör Futbol Kulüplerindeki futbolcuların sigara kullanım alışkanlıkları ve al...
In the thesis are presented in detail smoking and physical activity and their impact on the health o...
Tyrimo metodai: 1. Literatūros šaltinių analizė. 2. Anketinė paauglių apklausa. 3. Standartizuotas i...
Objective: Sport and scholastic factors are known to be associated with cigarette smoking in adolesc...
The prevalence of smoking among Croatian adolescents is alarmingly high, but no previous study has p...
Introduction: Though adolescence is recognised as a critical period for smoking prevention, there is...
WOS: 000246793700010PubMed ID: 17691237Objectives: To determine the smoking prevalence and its deter...
To date, few studies have examined the re-lationship between health behavior risk factors and cigare...
Smoking is the most spread modern, social disease worlwide. It is considered that efficient programs...